onsdag 26 april 2017

Ringar på vattnet

I förra veckan fick vi en nyhet, en forskningsrapport som VD kommenterade under rubriken: Fighting cancer with nanoparticles.
Prof. Vladimir Torchilin med kollegor som forskat fram nanopartiklar som kan fyllas med både läkemedel som målsökande ämne (enzym).
Jag kommenterade rapporten  i inlägget Ny approach för att bota cancer?

Nu ser jag att Torchilin´s forskning fått efterföljare.
Det handlar om en nyligen sammansatt forskargrupp i Ungern som fått medel att forska i samma område: Målsökande cancerbehandling. Gruppen kommer bestå av 15-20 forskare.

New drug research in targeted tumour therapy

The research team of Eötvös Loránd University (ELTE), Semmelweis University’s Department of Genetics, Cell and Immunobiology and ComInnex R&D Inc. have started the development of compounds consisting of changeable components based on the type of tumor in order to achieve a more efficient targeted treatment of tumour patients with the reduction of side effects. 
The research, funded by the National Research, Development and Innovation Office was launched in January 2017 and is currently in the phase of device procurement and referential testing. 

 ELTE is the consortium partner leading the research and we have been in close cooperation with Dr. Gábor Mező, scientific advisor for 15 years. Our research on molecules targeting tumour cells (drug targeting) started in 2003.”, Dr. László Kőhidai, Associate Professor of the Department of Genetics, Cell and Immunobiology said.
Initially compounds that are able to attract tumour cells if administered locally were being researched and several molecule families were identified which now constitute the basis of the new project. 

This project’s objective is to develop drug molecules that consist of three components: besides the anti tumour component, it contains a guiding component which identifies the tumour cell and a third component that splits at the right place, releasing the compound which may exert its effect on the part of the cell that needs repair. The consortium is working to create a balanced combination of these components.”, Dr. Kőhidai explained.
As a potent drug for several types of tumour needs to be designed, the therapy’s efficiency may be increased by the development of various, target-cell specific components. Targeted therapy is different from traditional therapy in its ability to destroy only the tumour cells, leaving healthy cells intact. 

 Thanks to the project funding, Semmelweis University has already started the procurement of two modern devices: a holographic microscope and the so-called Celldiscoverer7 platform. The holographic microscope enables the analysis of cell morphology, which shows great variability in tumour cells. It is also able to track cell movement for a longer period of time, thus the process of chemotaxis, which is cell movement triggered by chemicals, can be monitored.

Min kommentar
Semmelweis University är omnämnda på PHI`s sida över publicerade forskningsrapporter.
2015 fick de en rapport publicerad som handlade om hudcancer. Forskning där de även fick fram insikter i hur rikta läkemedel mot tumören.Med tekniken PHI`s Holomonitor erbjuder såklart.

Targeted tumor therapy by Rubia tinctorum L.: analytical characterization of hydroxyanthraquinones and investigation of their selective cytotoxic, adhesion and migration modulator effects on melanoma cell lines (A2058 and HT168-M1)

 Nu går man vidare i en helt ny forskarkonstellation och breddar området till att även omfatta bukspott och lungcancer. 
We tried to choose diseases for our models which are the most precarious based on statistics and clinical data, such as melanomas, pancreatic and lung cancer. The project also enables us to study the quickly metastatising tumours isolated from the less aggressive types.”, Dr. László Kőhidai said.

Utan att ha belägg för min tes, tror jag att Prof Torchilin´s forskning och resultat haft betydelse för denna grupps skapelse.
Att denna ungerska forskargrupp kommer bedriva sin forskning med PHI´s Holomonitor är jag 99% säker på.Notera meningen i sista inklippta texten :
Semmelweis University has already started the procurement (upphandling)

I morgon tänkte jag berätta ännu en bra nyhet från detta universitet.
Ungerska forskare kommer starkt. De gillar Holotekniken.

3 kommentarer:

  1. Tack för all information du delar med dig av!

  2. Tusen tack THE99. Jag följer din blogg dagligen, du är en klippa :)

  3. Vet du något om det instrumentet de skall köpa?
    Celldiscover 7?

    Varför nämner de inte HoloMonitorn?
