onsdag 7 juni 2017

DHM - I miljöns tjänst del 2

På närmare håll hittar vi Brysselursprungliga forskaren Dr Eva-Maria Zetsche som numera utgår från Göteborg,
The Department of Marine Sciences is Sweden’s most complete environment for marine research and marine education, and is one of only a few such organisations in Europe.
Även hon är mycket förtjust i DHM kan vi se. Från ett föredrag hon höll i Nov 2016: 

Applications of digital holographic microscopy in the aquatic sciences

Holographic microscopy has been around since the 1950´s but recent improvements in image quality and resolution have greatly intensified the application of digital holographic microscopy (DHM) in the material and life sciences.
This makes DHM also a promising imaging tool for the study of particularly small-scale processes in both marine and fresh waters.
Main advantages of DHM include the increased depth of focus (through post-acquisition hologram reconstruction) and the quantitative access to optical phase information.
Based on this phase information, DHM is able to detect differences in optical thickness, which allows for applications that are not possible with traditional light microscopy.
Here, I present some examples demonstrating the benefits of DHM for a variety of processes and interactions in aquatic ecosystems, including the characterization of plankton cell morphology and the visualization of transparent exopolymers and mucoids (which are "invisible" to traditional light microscopy).
DHM thus presents itself as an innovative and promising tool for novel applications in the aquatic sciences.

Eva-Maria Zetsche har fått sin forskning publicerad,bland annat nedanstående som handlar om korallreven och deras livsbetingelser. I denna rapport kan vi läsa att hon använt sig av DHM-tekniken för att nå sina resultat.

Direct Visualization of Mucus Production by the Cold-Water Coral Lophelia pertusa with Digital Holographic Microscopy

Lophelia pertusa is the dominant reef-building organism of cold-water coral reefs, and is known to produce significant amounts of mucus, which could involve an important metabolic cost.
Mucus is involved in particle removal and feeding processes, yet the triggers and dynamics of mucus production are currently still poorly described because the existing tools to study these processes are not appropriate.
Using a novel microscopic technique—digital holographic microscopy (DHM)–we studied the mucus release of L. pertusa under various experimental conditions.
DHM technology permits μm-scale observations and allows the visualization of transparent mucoid substances in real time without staining.
This paper shows for the first time the potential of DHM technology for the detection, characterization and quantification of mucus production through OPD measurements in L. pertusa.
Direct Visualization of Mucus Production by the Cold-Water Coral Lophelia pertusa with Digital Holographic Microscopy

Mucus production and transport by the cold-water coral L. pertusa was visualized for the first time in real-time at the μm-scale with a state-of-the-art holographic microscope (DHM). Our results demonstrated that L. pertusa produced different mucus types in response to various stimuli, ranging from mucus strings, sheaths and ‘string balls’. The measurements of OPD profiles with the DHM enabled to quantitatively differentiate between the various mucus types. Mucus release played an important role in particle removal, which occurred predominantly in the form of mucus string formation. Mucus was also involved in prey capture, retention and digestion. Overall, it appears that mucus production of L. pertusa is adapted to a food-limited environment. Our data show that mucus production by CWCs occurs in response to specific stimuli and that mucus is generally a localized dynamic process. Mucus appears to be treated by CWCs as a precious resource: mucus production is tightly regulated and is induced for specific ‘targeted’ activities (particle removal, feeding).  
Given the importance of this species for the entire reef ecosystems, further studies using novel observation techniques such as the DHM in combination with other biogeochemical tools, are necessary to confirm our observations and to fully characterize and quantify mucus production to assess the full energy budget of L. pertusa.

Att notera
I ovanstående rapport framgår att hon använt sig av mikroskop från PHI,s belgiska konkurrent Ovizio Imaging Systems och att studien finansierats enligt följande:
This work was financially supported by the Brussels Institute for Research and Innovation (INNOVIRIS - Impulse-Environment grant to FJRM) in the framework of the HoloFlow Impulse-Environment Project and by the Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research (NWO-VIDI grant to DvO).

Ur en (låst publikation) framför hon med kollegor följande om DHM som marint forskningsinstrument:

Recent advances in optical components, computational hardware and image analysis algorithms have led to the development of a powerful new imaging tool, digital holographic microscopy (DHM).
So far, DHM has been predominantly applied in the life sciences and medical research, and here, we evaluate the potential of DHM within a marine context, i.e. for studying the morphology, physiology and ecology of diatoms. Like classical light microscopy, DHM captures light-intensity information from objects, but in addition, it also records the so-called phase information.
Because this phase information is recorded in a fully quantitative way, it gives access to a whole new type of image properties, which suitably extend the range of microscopy applications in diatom research.
Here, we demonstrate the ability of DHM to provide structural information on internal cell organelles as well as the silica frustules of diatoms. By combining the light intensity and phase information, one also obtains the optical ‘fingerprint’ of a cell, which can be used to discriminate between cells of separate diatom species or to differentiate between living and dead cells (as demonstrated here for two diatom species Navicula sp. and Nitzschia cf. pellucida).
Finally, we use chains of Melosira sp. to demonstrate the capacity of DHM to refocus post-acquisition, and combine holograms with fluorescent images, and the ability of DHM to image transparent substances, such as extracellular polymeric substances.
Overall, DHM is a promising versatile microscopic technique, allowing diatoms to be investigated in vivo, over time, without the need for staining, and quantitatively in terms of their phase information. Thus, DHM can provide new insights into the structure, as well as the physiology and ecology of diatoms.

Diatoms enligt Wiki :
Diatoms are a major group of algae, and are among the most common types of phytoplankton.
Diatoms are unicellular, although they can form colonies in the shape of filaments or ribbons (e.g. Fragilaria), fans (e.g. Meridion), zigzags (e.g. Tabellaria), or stars (e.g. Asterionella).
Diatoms are producers within the food chain.

Min kommentar
Här ser vi konkreta bevis både i form av användande som i publicerad forskningsrapport att DHM kommer ha framtid som ett effektivt instrument inte bara inom forskning/diagnostik på mänskligt relaterade sjukdomar utan även inom miljöområdet.
Jag kommer ta upp ytterligare ett område i ett senare inlägg.

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