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Peking |
Lungcancer ökar i Kina – smog kan vara boven
De senaste 10–15 åren har det skett en stor ökning av antalet fall av lungcancer i Kina, och en möjlig anledning kan vara långvarig exponering för luftföroreningar.
Det rapporterar statliga China Daily och hänvisar till experter vid den kinesiska akademien för medicinsk forskning.
Cancerformen ökar bland annat bland grupper som normalt sällan drabbas av lungcancer, exempelvis ickerökare, något som antyder att rökning inte ligger bakom ökningen.
Ungefär 300 miljoner kineser röker, men China Daily skriver att det har skett en ökning av en form av lungcancer som utvecklas djupt ner i lungorna och som inte kopplas till rökning.
Kina för en kamp mot luftföroreningar med små partiklar som inandas – kallade PM2,5 – som är särskilt förekommande i de industritäta norra delarna av landet.
2015 tillkom 4,3 miljoner nya cancerpatienter i Kina, varav 730000 fall av lungcancer.
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An LED billboard erected on a top of a building is seen through heavy smog in Beijing on Jan 5, 2017. (WANG ZHAO / AFP) |
Inspectors expose pollution problems in north China
BEIJING - China's environmental inspectors have found that more than half of the nearly 40,000 enterprises checked have violated environmental rules.
The findings came after four months of inspections across 28 cities in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region and other nearby areas, which resulted in the discovery of problems including excessive emissions and insufficient pollution control equipment, the Ministry of Environmental Protection (MEP) said Tuesday.
The inspectors, who are undertaking a year-long on-site investigation to discover the sources of air pollution in the region, exposed 7,109 companies with unauthorized locations, lacking relevant certifications, or failing to meet emission standards.
The teams also found 2,349 companies have been operating without any pollutant treatment facilities, while another 1,971 companies have pollutant treatment facilities that have been malfunctioning.
The MEP said it will require local authorities to further investigate these firms and rectify the problems.
The inspections are part of China's campaign to fight pollution and environmental degradation as decades of growth have left the country with smog, polluted water and contaminated soil.
The country started inspections amid widespread concerns about smog in its northern region.
China will soon launch a new round of central environmental inspections covering eight provincial-level areas, as the country finishes nationwide investigations into local environmental protection efforts, according to a MEP statement Monday.
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