SPIE Photonics West 2018, the world's largest annual event for the photonics, laser, and biomedical optics industries.
Join thousands of your peers – scientists, engineers, and executives – at the most comprehensive technical conference and exhibition spanning biophotonics for brain research and healthcare, lasers for research and advanced manufacturing, sensors and camera systems, imaging and displays, communications and optoelectronics, plus the core optical components that enable many of today’s consumer products.
The evolution of phase holographic imaging from a research idea to publicly traded company
Paper 10503-30
Time: 4:30 PM - 4:50 PM
Author(s): Peter J. Egelberg, Phase Holographic Imaging AB (Sweden)
Paper 10503-30
Time: 4:30 PM - 4:50 PM
Author(s): Peter J. Egelberg, Phase Holographic Imaging AB (Sweden)
Recognizing the value and unmet need for label-free kinetic cell analysis, PHI defines its market segment as automated, easy to use and affordable time-lapse cytometry.
The process of developing product specifications, identifying performance criteria, validation in biological applications, sources of corporate funding and R&D adjustments prompted by field experience will be review. Finally, two pressing issues will be addressed: quality control of acquired data and efficient data analysis to provide quantitative cell culture information such as growth rate, viability, division rate, mitosis duration, phagocytosis rate and migration without requiring any artificial manipulation.
Denna mässa har hög profil sett till både antalet besökare som deltagare.
I filmen nedan kan ni se en glimt av mässans omfång.
I filmen nedan kan ni se en glimt av mässans omfång.
För att understryka digniteten på denna mässa har den naturligtvis Nobelpriskoppling.
En av deltagarna är Nobelprisvinnaren Stefan W. Hell.
Stefan som flitig? användare av sin inköpta HoloMonitor,ja ni kommer väl ihåg att Stefan införskaffade sin första HoloMonitor 2016 och redan hunnit lägga fram en forskningsrapport där resultatet till stor del vilade på PHI,s Holoteknik.
Nobel prize winner Stefan W.Hell at SPIE 2018 |
Finge man drömma skulle VD,s presentation ackompanjeras av Stefan på samma scen.
Förmodligen skulle orderböckerna fyllas snabbare än ögat om Stefan uttalade sig i positiva ordalag om PHI,s teknik.
En historisk dag 2018-01-29
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