torsdag 11 januari 2018


Angående mitt förra inlägg, Utmaningen, kom det in ett flertal förslag på Doktorsavhandlingar där PHI via deras HoloMonitor skulle finns med.
2 st av dessa förslag är regelrätta doktorsavhandlingar som inte finns med på Bolagets hemsida under DOCTERAL THESIS.
Bra jobbat alla grävare!
Ni har medverkat till att öka Bolagets attraktionsvärde som bolagsvärde (min åsikt).
Om vi kollar vilka dessa 2 är då.
Först har vi Andrea Tóth från det ungerska universitetet Szeged.

Wiki berättar: The University of Szeged (HungarianSzegedi Tudományegyetemis a large research university in Hungary. It is located in Hungary's third-largest city, Szeged, in Csongrád County in the Southern Great Plain
The University is one of Hungary's most important universities and is among the most prominent higher education institutions in Central Europe. According to the Academic Ranking of World Universities by Shanghai Jiao Tong University (2003, 2004, 2005), it was ranked 203rd–300th in the complete list (in a tie), 80th–123rd in the scientific ranking of European universities, and first in the Hungarian national ranking.

Ph.D. thesis
Andrea Tóth

Några utdrag från avhandlingen som renderade henne en doktorshatt och titeln Ph.D.

- Digital holographic images were taken with a Holo-Monitor M3 instrument (Phase Holographic Imaging AB, Phiab, Sweden). 
Endothelial cells were cultured on collagen coated culture dishes with borosilicate glass bottom (MatTek, Ashland, MA, USA). 
Holographic images of the same culture area were captured before and during treatments. 
Cell morphological changes were analysed by the Holostudio 2.4 software provided with the microscope (Phase Holographic Imaging AB, Phiab, Sweden). 
Each point in the box plot reflects the data obtained on a single cell (Alm et al., 2013; Madácsi et al., 2013).
Holographic phase contrast microscopic analysis was performed to visualize the morphological changes caused by methylglyoxal. 
This novel technology enabled us to follow living cells in a label-free and non-invasive way.
Our data confirmed these observations and visualized for the first time the kinetics of morphological changes caused by methylglyoxal using a novel technique, holographic phase contrast microscopy in living cells (Alm et al., 2013; Madácsi et al., 2013).
This is the first report on methylglyoxal-induced morphology changes in brain endothelial cells using holographic phase contrast imaging.

Materials and Methods
Digital holographic images were taken with a Holo-Monitor M3 instrument (Phase Holographic  Imaging AB, Lund, Sweden). 
Endothelial cells were cultured on collagen coated culture dishes with borosilicate glass bottom (MatTek, Ashland, MA, USA). All treatments lasted for 4 hours. 
Holographic images of the same culture area were captured before and during treatments. 
Cell morphological changes were analysed by the Holostudio 2.4 software provided with the microscope (Phase Holographic Imaging AB, Lund, Sweden). 
Holographic phase contrast images of morphological alterations induced in hCMEC/D3 human brain endothelial cells by treatment with methylglyoxal (MG; 600 µM) and co-treatment with 3 mM edaravone (MG + E) for 4 hours. Color scale bar correspond to the height of single cells. Data were analysed by means of HoloStudio 2.4 software. Red circles indicate cells with drastical changes in cell morphology. Yellow circles indicate cells without any morphological changes. Bar = 100 µm.
Sen har vi Beatrix Èva Pèter från Universitetet Pannonia,även det beläget i Ungern.

Wiki berättar: The University of Pannonia (University of Veszprém until March 1, 2006; Hungarian Pannon Egyetem, formerly known as Veszprémi Egyetem) is a university located in VeszprémHungary. It was founded in 1949 and is organized in five faculties: Arts and Humanities, Engineering, Agriculture, Economics and Information Technology.
In the beginning it worked as a regional faculty of the Technical University of Budapest. In 1951, it became independent under the name of Veszprém University of Chemical Engineering. From 1991, the university has been called the University of Veszprém.
Every year the University of Pannonia hosts national and international research conferences, which strengthen its international reputation. In the near future, the offer will include new faculties and new schools. The leaders of the institution strive to turn the university into the educational, intellectual, and research centre of the Transdanubian region and to help find its place in Europe.

Ph.D. thesis
Beatrix Èva Pèter

Några utdrag från Beatrix avhandling

- In my PhD work, I proved by Holomonitor M4 imaging technique that EGCg inhibit the movement of the HeLa cervical cancer cells.

For example,our recent study using Holomonitor M4 holographic microscopy showed that EGCg reduced the migration, motility and motility speed of the HeLa cells
Furthermore, the instrument was able to create 3D images of the exposed cells and the changes in cell morphology could be observed in real-time.

A commercial digital holographic microscope, Holomonitor M4 allowcytometric time-lapse microscopy created from image sequences of cultured cells recorded over long time periods.
Holomonitor M4 is capable of monitoring cell movement.
This type of investigation is more and more important today.
Several other techniques exist to study cellular movements, but they have been mainly directed at migration studies and they have their drawbacks.
Another application example beyond monitoring cell movement is the cytotoxicity study,where holographic transmission microscopy was successfully applied to measure cellmorphology parameters as cell viability descriptors
It was shown to be applicable to quantitatively determine the effect of several agrochemicals (glyphosate, polyethoxylatedtallowamine) on an euroectodermal cell line.

Results and discussion
Digital holographic microscopy offers outstanding potentials in polyphenol research since cell morphological parameters can be monitored in real time without applying any labels.
During our experiments,the newly developed remarkably small-sized M4 Holomonitor was inside a cell culture incubator continuously. 
The parts of the appliance are specially selected to withstand the harsh climate of the cell incubator.  
more detailed profile analysis can be made even of a single cell by the Holomonitor program and by cross-sectional images of the spread cells. 
In the Holomonitor software, motility is calculated as the actual distance the cell has moved from the start to the end of the analysis and migration as the shortest distance from the starting point to the end point. 
The motility can be very high even if the migration is close to zero.
report on the successful application of the M4 Holomonitor to monitor cancer cell motility,migration, motility speed, and the spreading of preosteoblast cells on a nanostructured titanate coating.
The M4 Holomonitor, applied in the present study, has a small size, and it is making it feasible to be directly put into a humidified cell culture incubator. 
This technique is completely noninvasive and label-free, therefore, nothing disturbs the cells during their movements.
The Holomonitor was used to analyze the morphology and movementof living cells in a way that is automatic, cost efficient, and causes the cells no harm
Measurements with a Holomonitor can be especially useful in combination with other novel label-free biosensing methods to obtain a high content analysis of live cell morphology and behavior.

Thesis Highlites
demonstarted for the first time that the novel, miniaturized, quantitative phasecontrast microscope, the Holomonitor M4,is capable of investigating the movement of the epigallocatechin-gallate (EGCg)green tea polyphenol treated cells.

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