tisdag 27 februari 2018

A whole lotta papers

                                             USA-äventyret bar onekligen frukt.
Igår fick vi PM om ett nytt Center of Excellence (som jag tänkte utveckla mina tankar kring i ett separat inlägg).
Nu ser jag att SPIE-eventet även det har gett resultat.
4 nya forskningsartiklar (papers) har offentliggjorts. Ink det jag skrev i förra inlägget om Ed Luther med kollegor.Om vi betar av dessa andra 3 då.

1. Från Boston Children´s Hospital

23 February 2018
Quantitative phase imaging characterization of tumor-associated blood vessel formation on a chip
Peng Guo; Jing Huang; Marsha Moses;
Angiogenesis, the formation of new blood vessels from existing ones,
is a biological process that has an essential role in solid tumor growth, development, and progression. Recent advances in Lab-on-a-Chip technology has created an opportunity for scientists to observe endothelial cell (EC) behaviors during the dynamic process of angiogenesis using a simple and economical in vitro platform that recapitulates in vivo blood vessel formation.
Here, we use quantitative phase imaging (QPI) microscopy to continuously and
non-invasively characterize the dynamic process of tumor cell-induced angiogenic sprout formation on a microfluidic chip. The live tumor cell-induced angiogenic sprouts are generated by multicellular endothelial sprouting into 3 dimensional (3D) Matrigel using human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVECs).
By using QPI, we quantitatively measure a panel of cellular morphological and behavioral parameters of each individual EC participating in this sprouting.
In this proof-of-principle study, we demonstrate that QPI is a powerful tool that can provide real-time quantitative analysis of biological processes in in vitro 3D biomimetic devices, which, in turn, can improve our understanding of the biology underlying functional tissue engineering.
© (2018) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE).
Edit.Kompletteringsinformation som kommit efter jag skrev inlägget.
The microfluidic chip for angiogenic sprouting imaging was placed on the motorized stage of
Holomonitor M4 (Phase Holographic Imaging Phi AB, Lund, Sweden) with a 20× magnification
objective and a 0.8 mW He-Ne laser (633 nm, 10 W/m2, exposure time <5ms), which was …

2. Från University of San Francisco med Robert Judson i spetsen

23 February 2018
Quantification of mammalian tumor cell state plasticity with digital holographic cytometry
Miroslav Hejna; Aparna Jorapur; Yuntian Zhang; Jun S. Song; Robert L. Judson
Individual cells within isogenic tumor populations can exhibit distinct cellular morphologies, behaviors, and molecular profiles. Cell state plasticity refers to the propensity of a cell to transition between these different morphologies and behaviors. Elevation of cell state plasticity is thought to contribute to critical stages in tumor evolution, including metastatic dissemination and acquisition of therapeutic resistance. However, methods for quantifying general plasticity in mammalian cells remain limited. Working with a HoloMonitor M4 digital holographic cytometry platform, we have established a machine learning-based pipeline for high accuracy and label-free classification of adherent cells. We use twenty-six morphological and optical density-derived features for label-free identification of cell state in heterogeneous cultures. The system is housed completely within a mammalian cell incubator, permitting the monitoring of changes in cell state over time. Here we present an application of our approach for studying cell state plasticity. Human melanoma cell lines of known metastatic potential were monitored in standard growth conditions. The rate of feature change was quantified for each individual cell in the populations. We observed that cells of higher metastatic potential exhibited more rapid fluctuation of cell state in homeostatic conditions. The approach we demonstrate will be advantageous for further investigations into the factors that influence cell state plasticity.
© (2018) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE).

3. Från vår HoloMonitor frälste forskare från Ungern Robert Horvath m kollegor.
Tyvärr är artikeln låst så man kommer inte åt illustrationer och för oss relevant Holoinfo,men den lär släppas så småningom så det finns möjlighet att återkomma till den.

23 February 2018
Label-free optical biosensor for real-time monitoringthe cytotoxicity of xenobiotics: A proof of principle study on glyphosate
Eniko Farkas,Andras Szekacs,Boglarka Kovacs,Marianna Olah,Robert Horvath,Inna Szekacs
Rapid and inexpensive biosensor technologies allowing real-time analysis of biomolecular and cellular events have become the basis of next-generation cell-based screening techniques. Our work opens up novel opportunities in the application of the high-throughput label-free Epic BenchTop optical biosensor in cell toxicity studies. The Epic technology records integrated cellular responses about changes in cell morphology and dynamic mass redistribution of cellular contents at the 100-150 nm layer above the sensor surface. The aim of the present study was to apply this novel technology to identify the effect of the herbicide Roundup Classic, its co-formulant polyethoxylated tallow amine (POEA), and its active ingredient glyphosate, on MC3T3-E1 cells adhered on the biosensor surface. The half maximal inhibitory concentration of Roundup Classic, POEA and glyphosate upon 1 h of exposure was found to be 0.024%, 0.021% and 0.163% in serum-containing medium and 0.028%, 0.019% and 0.538% in serum-free conditions, respectively (at concentrations equivalent to the diluted Roundup solution). These results showed a good correlation with parallel end-point assays, demonstrating the outstanding utility of the Epic technique in cytotoxicity screening, allowing not only high-throughput, real-time detection, but also reduced assay run time and cytotoxicity assessment at end-points far before cell death would occur.
Edit.Kompletteringsinformation som kommit efter jag skrev inlägget.
Cell viability was monitored by HoloMonitor M4 time-lapse cytometer and Muse Cell Analyzer …

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