Bloggen nås av information att ungerska forskare,mestadels från PHI´s partner Semmelweis University,har fått en forskningsrapport publicerad i Natures Scientific Reports.
Rapporten offentligjordes igår
och handlar om Trophoblastceller, hur och varför tumörer uppkommer i samband med graviditet.Forskarna har kommit ett steg närmare problematiken sen den förra rapporten som kom för 1 år sen.
Published online:03 April 2018
Intercellular communication via extracellular vesicles (EVs) and their
target cells, especially immune cells, results in functional and
phenotype changes that consequently may play a significant role in
various physiological states and the pathogenesis of immune-mediated
Monocytes are the most prominent environment-sensing immune
cells in circulation, skilled to shape their microenvironments via
cytokine secretion and further differentiation. Both the circulating
monocyte subset distribution and the blood plasma EV pattern are
characteristic for preeclampsia, a pregnancy induced immune-mediated
hypertensive disorder. We hypothesized that preeclampsia-associated EVs
(PE-EVs) induced functional and phenotypic alterations of monocytes.
First, we proved EV binding and uptake by THP-1 cells. Cellular origin
and protein cargo of circulating PE-EVs were characterized by flow
cytometry and mass spectrometry.
An altered phagocytosis-associated
molecular pattern was found on 12.5 K fraction of PE-EVs: an elevated
CD47 “don’t eat me” signal (p < 0.01) and decreased exofacial
phosphatidylserine “eat-me” signal (p < 0.001) were found along with
decreased uptake of these PE-EVs (p < 0.05). The 12.5 K fraction of
PE-EVs induced significantly lower chemotaxis (p < 0.01) and cell
motility but accelerated cell adhesion of THP-1 cells (p < 0.05). The
12.5 K fraction of PE-EVs induced altered monocyte functions suggest
that circulating EVs may have a role in the pathogenesis of
Extracellular vesicles (EVs) are nanosized particles enclosed by a
phospholipid bilayer membrane. EVs been shown to mediate intercellular
communication. EVs are significant players of autocrine, paracrine as
well as endocrine signalling. EVs are produced by living cells and can be detected in all biological fluids tested so far.
Trophoblast-derived EVs originate from the feto-maternal interface and
are present in the circulating EV pool. They can be detected by several
methods, including flow cytometry (FC), confocal microscopy, mass
spectrometry and transmission electron microscopy.
The HoloMonitor M4 (Phase Holographic Imaging, Lund, Sweden ) was used as
an incubator-proof time-lapse and cell tracking system for adherent
cells. In the present experiments the chemokinetic effects were
evaluated by holographic tracking, measurement and calculation of the
following parameters: (1) migration: the shortest direct distance from
the starting point to the end point (μm); (2) motility: the actual way
travelled from the starting point to the end point (μm). THP-1 cells
(4 × 104 ) were seeded on a Petri dish (35 mm diameter) and
cultured for 24 h. After the incubation resting THP-1 cells were
monitored for cell migration and motility for 2 hours (control THP-1
cells). Next, 12.5 K fraction of HP-EVs or PE-EVs were added to the
resting cells and migration and motility activities of the cells were
documented (HP-EVs or PE-EVs treated cells). Cell migration was
normalized to the untreated resting THP-1 cells (Suppl. Fig. 11).
In time-lapse tracking the settings were: total time = 2 h; interval:
30 sec. For evaluation of images of time-lapse automatic background
thresholding method was used with “Minimum error sets” algorithm
(adjustment = 128) using the minimum error histogram-based threshold
method; in object definition, the minimum error object size was 36. The
number of evaluated cells/image: 50; the total number of evaluated
images: 240. For manual cell identification, objects of the marginal
zone were abandoned. For holographic microscopy HoloStudio M4 2.5
program was used to analyse data.
Min kommentar
En oerhört viktig forskning som är betydelsefull i flera aspekter.
Vid en graviditet med ovanstående förlopp riskerar både modern som fostret att avlida.
Kan forskarna nå insikter om hur sjukdomsförloppet uppstår är man närmare att kunna bota.
HoloMonitor visar än en gång hur förtjänstfullt den kan användas i forskarnas händer.
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