måndag 14 maj 2018

“We believe we’ve found the Holy Grail”

Underbara Queensland University of Technology (QUT) som jag skrivit om tidigare här och här står enligt bloggens förmenande för årets PHI-bedrift.
På bara ca 6 månader har forskarna på QUT lärt sig Holotekniken och med den som bas redan fått fram resultat som måste anses vara häpnadsväckande.“We believe we’ve found the Holy Grail”

- Associate Professor Derek Richard, at Queensland University of Technology in Australia, has, with help from HoloMonitor M4, found a way to turn back time and make old cells young again.
Watch the video and learn why “this could change the way we live and when we die” and how the research could change the way we treat heart disease, cholesterol, Arthritis, Alzheimer’s, and cancer  and even replace chemotherapy when treating cancer (Seven News Australia, 2018).
Australiensisk TV uppmärksammar professsorns forskning.
Notera inslagen där PHI,s teknik visas. På länken nedanför kan ni se inslaget.

                            We believe we’ve found the Holy Grail

 På TV kanalen 7News hemsida finns inslaget.Scrollar man ner på sidan hittar man även bild tagen med HoloMonitorn. PR-värdet är massivt.

Och naturligtvis har universitetet med denna nyhet på sin hemsida.

14th May 2018
QUT researchers have developed a new drug that has the potential to dramatically slow the ageing process and delay, or even prevent, major diseases in humans, including cancer, Alzheimer’s, Type 2 Diabetes and arthritis.
The Scientific Director of the Cancer and Ageing Research Program (CARP), Associate Professor Derek Richard from QUT’s Institute of Health and Biomedical Innovation, said the breakthrough was built upon years of research focused on the ability of single-cell organisms called archaea to survive in harsh conditions, including the boiling, sulphuric acid pools of undersea volcanoes.

“Our research into arachaei revealed a ‘super hero’ protein, known as ssB1. But the real eureka moment came when we discovered that humans have this same protein, called hSSB1, in every cell of our bodies,” Professor Richard said.
“In normal cells, ssB1 is like a guardian angel that is looking after the genetic code and, if there is any damage, we see it rush in to repair that damage. But, as we age, we lose parts of our genetic code, and that is the foundation for diseases such as cancer and Alzheimer’s.
“When we found that ssB1 was helping the archaea to repair its damaged DNA, we realised we might have stumbled across the basis for a new cellular treatment for humans, to control our ageing pathway and keep people healthier, for longer.
“This new drug functions by restoring the activity of the DNA-repairing, ‘super hero’ hSSB1 protein in our bodies and we can make cells believe that they are much younger than they actually are,” Professor Richard said.

QUT Professor and CARP clinical director, oncologist Ken O’Byrne, said while the drug had the potential to prevent or delay the onset of disease and illness, the primary aim was to improve quality of life.
“The big link between cancer and ageing is DNA repair. As we age, our target protein starts to function differently and allows our genome to be damaged and this damage can cause cancer,” Professor O’Byrne said.
“This drug, once fully developed, could actually be taken to protect high-risk individuals from cancer and other diseases,” he said.
Min kommentar
Förutom de lovande resultat man kommit fram med,med hjälp av PHI,s teknik ser jag fler värden som ska uppmärksammas.
1. QUT´s forskare visar här för den samlade forskarkåren att tekniken är lätt och snabb att sätta sig in i. 6 månader cirkus har QUT haft sin HoloMonitor !
På den tiden åstadkommer man resultat man benämner “We believe we’ve found the Holy Grail”.
2. Att en nyhetskanal gör ett inslag, som förmodligen inte bara visas i Australien vad det lider, är PR som heter duga.

Jag "visste" att QUT skulle visa sig vara ett Uni som levererar. 👍👍
En första delleverans har kommit in.

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