lördag 7 juli 2018

HoloMonitor i Norge

Bland PHI,s senare kunder finns University of Bergen som nu visar upp sina försök med sitt nya instrument.
Klippet är upplagt för 3 dagar sen av forskaren Henriette Aksnes som jag förmodar fokuserar på cancerforskning.
Henriette m kollegor uppmärksammades nyligen för sina upptäckter.

Researchers From Thomas Arnesen’s Group have Made a Significant Finding

The researchers Adrian Drazic, Henriette Aksnes, and Michaël Marie have found an enzyme researchers have been looking for for 30 years.
The enzyme is important for understanding the differences in shape, stability and movement of cells, and the finding has gained wide attention in two simultaneous publications in the renowned journal PNAS.
 The researchers work at Thomas Arnesen‘s research group at UiB.

Måhända forskarna använt sig av sin HoloMonitor i ovanstående case?
Notera mina fetningar och dra egen slutsats.

                                HAP1 CTRL vs NAA80 KO2 HoloMonitor M4
Uploaded by Henriette Aksnes, Researcher at University of Bergen. References: Aksnes et al., submitted CIB, 2018, Drazic et al. PNAS 2018.

UiB (Universitetet i Bergen) visar upp en hög ambitionsnivå.

Research Strategy


UiB shall develop additional leading research environments.
By 2022, all our faculties will have world-class academic environments and additional disciplines of high international standard. 

We intend to achieve this:

by having strong academic disciplines within a broad range of academic fields. 
Our researchers will be able to ensure widespread publication of their findings in renowned channels and gain acknowledgement of their ideas in the largest international research programmes.

by cooperating internationally on research and education. 
We will make provisions to facilitate travel abroad for our doctoral candidates so that they can take advantage of research residencies and make use of the professor II scheme as an advisory function. The education programme will be linked tightly to our excellent research environments.
by making provisions for academic development within our areas of commitment and profiling them actively.

by clearly exercising strategic ownership in our ­research enterprises.

by establishing new work methods to organize and manage academic cooperation that better ­transcends the boundaries between disciplines and faculties.

by further developing the University library to ­become a library of excellence for research and learning, in collaboration with other leading universities in Norway and abroad. 
We will make provisions to ensure that the University museum’s collections are among the foremost in Europe.

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Hög ambitionsnivå kräver bra förutsättningar. Att de investerat i köp av HoloMonitor bekräftar ambitionsnivån.
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