söndag 8 juli 2018


I senaste utgåvan av Journal of Neural Transmission figurerar PHI via sitt system HoloMonitor.

Tidskriften beskriver sin gärning enligt följande:


The investigation of basic mechanisms involved in the pathogenesis of neurological and psychiatric disorders has deepened our knowledge of these disorders and their treatment.
The Journal of Neural Transmission establishes an interface between basic sciences and clinical neurology and psychiatry and acts as a platform for translational research publications in neurosciences and associated clinical fields, thus bridging the gap between basic knowledge and clinical application.
The journal is published monthly in three sections: 'Translational Neuroscience', 'Neurology and preclinical neurological studies' and 'Psychiatry and preclinical psychiatric studies'.
(Värt att notera är att tidskriften ges ut av Springer koncernen.)

Det är våra vänner från Budapest, Ungern via Semmelweis University och Szeged University som fått med sina forskningsrön baserade på PHI,s teknik.

Eszter Lajkó, Bernadett Tuka, Ferenc Fülöp, István Krizbai, József Toldi, Kálmán  Magyar, László Vécsei, László Kőhidai

The neuroprotective actions of kynurenic acid (KYNA) and its derivatives in several neurodegenerative disorders [characterized by damage to the cerebral endothelium and to the blood–brain barrier (BBB)] are well established.
Cell–extracellular matrix (ECM) adhesion is supposedly involved in recovery of impaired cerebral endothelium integrity (endothelial repair).
The present work aimed to investigate the effects of KYNA and its synthetic derivatives on cellular behaviour (e.g. adhesion and locomotion) and on morphology of the GP8 rat brain endothelial cell line, modeling the BBB endothelium.
The effects of KYNA and its derivatives on cell adhesion were measured using an impedance-based technique, the xCELLigence SP system.
Holographic microscopy (Holomonitor M4) was used to analyse both chemokinetic responses and morphometry.
The GP8 cells proved to be a suitable model cell line for investigating cell adhesion and the locomotion modulator effects of kynurenines.
KYNA enhanced cell adhesion and spreading, and also decreased the migration/motility of GP8 cells at physiological concentrations (10−9 and 10−7 mol/L).
The derivatives containing an amide side-chain at the C2 position (KYNA-A1 and A2) had lower adhesion inducer effects compared to KYNA.
All synthetic analogues (except KYNA-A5) had a time-dependent inhibitory effect on GP8 cell adhesion at a supraphysiological concentration (10−3 mol/L).
The immobilization promoting effect of KYNA and the adhesion inducer activity of its derivatives indicate that these compounds could contribute to maintaining or restoring the protective function of brain endothelium; they also suggest that cell–ECM adhesion and related cell responses (e.g. migration/motility) could be potential new targets of KYNA.

Men vänta,det blir bättre !

Den här forskningsartikeln ingick som en poster i en nyligen avslutad mässa.

Dear IBCA Participant,

On behalf of the organizing committee and our sponsors,
We would like to welcome you in Edinburgh for the 4th Conference on Impedance
- Based Cellular Assays.
This year again the conference will cover all aspects of impedance sensing in 8 sessions with 40 talks spread over three days. 
It is good to see the IBCA community growing over the years, from ECIS user meetings back in 2009 to international conference with attendees coming from around the world.

The number of new exhibiting companies reflects this growing interest in the field and
this should help to promote impedance-based cellular assays in both academia and the industry.
It is fair to say that we will not be here together without Prof Ivar Giaever
and Prof. Charlie Keese, and we would like to take this opportunity to acknowledge their remarkable scientific contribution that shaped a community.

I would also like to thank personally the founder of the IBCA meetings series,
Prof. Joachim Wegener, for letting us host this year meeting, and who was again instrumental in gathering all the IBCA members and sponsors.
Finally, I hope you will take the opportunity to be in Edinburgh to discover the city and its wonderful history, as well as its surroundings. 
The conference centre is close to Holyrood Park within sight of Arthur’s Seat, and this offers plenty of opportunity for beautiful walks. At the occasion of the conference dinner, we invite you to discover both the Old Town and the New Town of Edinburgh, that meet at the dinner location, the iconic Victorian hotel, The Balmoral.
We wish you a wonderful time in Edinburgh, and a very fruitful and stimulating conference.

On behalf of the organising committee:
Dr. Pierre Bagnaninchi (MRC Centre for Regenerative Medicine, University of Edinburgh)
Dr. Stewart Smith (Institute for Bioengineering, University of Edinburgh)
Prof. Joachim Wegener (Universitat Regensburg)

PHI med sitt HoloMonitorsystem har indirekt representation på denna  mässa om man kikar på programmet.
3 av deltagande Uni/forskare använder HoloMonitor i sin forskning.
Först från kommittén :
Dr. Pierre Bagnaninchi (MRC Centre for Regenerative Medicine, University of Edinburgh)

Prof. Joachim Wegener (Universitat Regensburg)

MRC Centre for Regenerative Medicine, University of Edinburgh finns upptagna på PHI,s kundlista och är ett av de senare tillskotten om jag minns rätt.
Universitat Regensburg, Tyskland, är flitiga användare av HoloMonitor då främst via professor Karl Kunzelmann. Som jag uppmärksammat på bloggen tidigare. Hittas här.
Och sist genom forskningsartikeln som alltså återfinns på Juni-utgåvan av
Journal of Neural Transmission.

En av dess författare var inbjuden som talare på IBCA att berätta just om den forskningen (där HoloMonitor hade en central roll.)
Det rör sig alltså om forskaren László Kőhidai. Se sid 6 i kompendiumet.
László m kollegors rapport hittas för övrigt på sidan 60.

Min kommentar
Sammanhangen där HoloMonitor/PHI figurerar fortsätter att växa.
Just denna Edinburgh konferens där toppforskare från världens alla hörn möts och berättar om sina resp erfarenheter och rön är ett viktigt forum för oberoende forskare.

2 kommentarer:

  1. Toppen jobb! kul att du är tillbaka.

  2. Tack.
    Har för avsikt att vara med till målgång.
    Kolla gärna in på bloggen nån gång emellanåt.
    Tror jag kan utlova intressant info framöver.
    Finns mycket grävbart "därute".
    Mvh the99
