måndag 10 september 2018

HoloMonitor ånyo i en kommande artikel

En icke frisläppt forskningsartikel kommer snart publiceras i sin helhet.
Förmodligen via American Chemical Society (ACS).
ACS beskriver sin gärning enligt följande:
Founded in 1876 and chartered by the U.S. Congress, we are the world’s largest scientific society. Our mission is to advance the broader chemistry enterprise and its practitioners for the benefit of Earth and its people. Our vision is to improve people’s lives through the transforming power of chemistry.

Det handlar om 11 forskare från Ungern och Japan med HoloMonitorfrälste Robert Horvath i spetsen.
Dessa forskare har gemensamt studerat ett område inom cancerforskningen som kommer mer och mer.
Nanopartiklar som bärare av cancerläkemedel.
Bloggen skrev om annan aktuell forskning med nanopartiklar för några veckor sedan.
Hursom, nu har Robert m kollegor sammanställt sin studie betitlad :

Interaction of Positively Charged Gold Nanoparticles with Cancer Cells Monitored by an in Situ Label-Free Optical Biosensor and Transmission Electron Microscopy

Än så länge kan man bara läsa abstractet ur denna studie och där får vi förvisso ingen vägledning att man använt sig av PHI,s teknik.

Functionalized nanoparticles (NPs) can penetrate into living cells and vesicles, opening up an extensive range of novel directions. For example, NPs are intensively employed in targeted drug delivery and biomedical imaging. However, the real-time kinetics and dynamics of NP–living cell interactions remained uncovered. In this study, we in situ monitored the cellular uptake of gold NPs—functionalized with positively charged alkaline thiol—into surface-adhered cancer cells, by using a high-throughput label-free optical biosensor employing resonant waveguide gratings. The characteristic kinetic curves upon NP exposure of cell-coated biosensor surfaces were recorded and compared to the kinetics of NP adsorption onto bare sensor surfaces. We demonstrated that from the above kinetic information, one can conclude about the interactions between the living cells and the NPs. Real-time biosensor data suggested the cellular uptake of the functionalized NPs by an active process. It was found that positively charged particles penetrate into the cells more effectively than negatively charged control particles, and the optimal size for the cellular uptake of the positively charged particles is around 5 nm. These conclusions were obtained in a cost-effective, fast, and high-throughput manner. The fate of the NPs was further revealed by electron microscopy on NP-exposed and subsequently fixed cells, well confirming the results obtained by the biosensor. Moreover, an ultrastructural study demonstrated the involvement of the endosomal–lysosomal system in the uptake of functionalized NPs and suggested the type of the internalization pathway.

Eftersom Google är ett så användbart verktyg har bloggen lyckats komma in "bakvägen" till denna studie.
Nämligen via illustrationer i ett word-dokument tillhörande studien i fråga.
Där får vi bekräftat att HoloMonitor använts i forskningen.
Scrolla ner till sidan 4 i denna länk. Där hittas följande information :

Figure S5
B) 3D images of the cells,recorded by Holomonitor M4 holographic transmission microscope.

Väl bekomme.
Eder grävspade

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