måndag 17 december 2018

Aktuellt 1

Amerikanska Biocompare har tagit upp PHI`s HoloMonitor M4 på sin produktlista.
Biocompare riktar sig främst till den amerikanska marknaden,dvs forskare, labb och universitet som står i begrepp att köpa ny utrustning.

Man visar upp nya aktuella instrument som förmodas attrahera deras läsekrets + att man gör egna researcharbeten kopplade till de produkter som man har med. Dessutom låter man forskare/användare kommentera och betygsätta instrument man använder i sin dagliga gärning. För närvarande är det mest instrument från Thermo Fisher inom kategorin HoloMonitor sorterar som kommenteras.
Trevligt att finnas i samma sammanhang som T F tycker bloggen.

Ur deras verksamhetsbeskrivning:
Biocompare (www.biocompare.com) is the leading resource for up-to-date product information, product reviews, and new technologies for life scientists. Biocompare combines an in-depth knowledge of life science products and new technologies with the power of the Internet to offer scientists the most dynamic, relevant, and innovative media-based marketplace for life science information. Produced by scientists, Biocompare's mission is to provide free, time saving services to life science researchers, allowing scientists to find and learn about the technologies that drive discovery. Biocompare does this by providing specialized search tools, articles, product reviews, webinars, videos and technology spotlights all designed to ensure that Biocompare remains a trusted and comprehensive source of product information. Biocompare continually strives to serve the life science community by providing new and improved online services that facilitate product discovery and technology education.

Såhär beskriver man M4
The HoloMonitor® system is a compact and easy to use solution for quantitative and label-free live cell analysis. Designed for all cell biologists, HoloMonitor is affordable, convenient and fits into the cell incubator. Kinetic live cell studies are performed without the need for any labels or stains. The risk for toxic effects and/or masking of the effect of various conditions and/or target drug is thus avoided and results biologically relevant.

The HoloMonitor platform offers you a powerful and unique portfolio of cell biological applications, including kinetic cell count and proliferation assays, cell motility and migration with cell tracking module, kinetic cell death, and cell cycle analysis etc.

Key features/benefits:
  • Visualizes and Quantifies Cellular Events. HoloMonitor is designed to generate both visual elements such as sequences of images and videos, and quantitative data, putting numbers on what can be seen.
  • Cell Friendly and Incubator Compatible. All HoloMonitor applications are totally label-free; no staining or contrast agents are required. Cell cultures can be continuously monitored and analyzed under physiologically optimal conditions, i.e. in the cell incubator or hypoxia chamber.
  • Ideal for Kinetic Cell Population Studies. Images can be recorded with high temporal resolution (maximum image rate: 1 image/s), ensuring that important cellular events are not overlooked.
  • Enabling Long-term Experiments. The incubator-compatible design makes the HoloMonitor M4 system especially suited for long-term kinetic cellular analyses. The low-intensity, single-wavelength laser generates no heat reducing the risk of photo-damage to an absolute minimum.

                                                      Länk till presentationen.

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