måndag 25 mars 2019

Forskningsrapport från Israel

6 forskare från Israel har fått sina studier kring celldöd publicerade i den vetenskapliga skriften

Man beskriver sin gärning enligt följande :
Toxins (ISSN 2072-6651; CODEN: TOXIB7) is an international peer-reviewed open access journal which provides an advanced forum for studies related to toxinology and all kinds of toxins (biotoxins) from animals, microbes and plants. Toxins is published monthly online by MDPI. 
The French Society on Toxinology and International Society for Mycotoxicology are affiliated with Toxins and their members receive a discount on the article processing charges.
  • Open Access - free for readers, with article processing charges (APC) paid by authors or their institutions.
  • High visibility: indexed by the Science Citation Index Expanded (Web of Science), MEDLINE (PubMed) and other databases. Full-text available in PubMed Central.
  • Rapid publication: manuscripts are peer-reviewed and a first decision provided to authors approximately 15.2 days after submission; acceptance to publication is undertaken in 4.8 days (median values for papers published in this journal in the second half of 2018).
  • Recognition of reviewers: reviewers who provide timely, thorough peer-review reports receive vouchers entitling them to a discount on the APC of their next publication in any MDPI journal, in appreciation of the work done.
  • Sections: published in six topical sections.
Impact Factor: 3.273 (2017) ; 5-Year Impact Factor: 3.551 (2017)

Till själva studien då benämnd :
Whole-Cell Multiparameter Assay for Ricin and Abrin Activity-Based Digital Holographic Microscopy
Received: 6 February 2019 / Accepted: 15 March 2019 / Published: 22 March 2019 


Ricin and abrin are ribosome-inactivating proteins leading to inhibition of protein synthesis and cell death. These toxins are considered some of the most potent and lethal toxins against which there is no available antidote. Digital holographic microscopy (DHM) is a time-lapse, label-free, and noninvasive imaging technique that can provide phase information on morphological features of cells. In this study, we employed DHM to evaluate the morphological changes of cell lines during ricin and abrin intoxication. We showed that the effect of these toxins is characterized by a decrease in cell confluence and changes in morphological parameters such as cell area, perimeter, irregularity, and roughness. In addition, changes in optical parameters such as phase-shift, optical thickness, and effective-calculated volume were observed. These effects were completely inhibited by specific neutralizing antibodies. An enhanced intoxication effect was observed for preadherent compared to adherent cells, as was detected in early morphology changes and confirmed by annexin V/propidium iodide (PI) apoptosis assay. Detection of the dynamic changes in cell morphology at initial stages of cell intoxication by DHM emphasizes the highly sensitive and rapid nature of this method, allowing the early detection of active toxins.
Ur studien klipper jag in det som är PHI-relevant.
Digital holographic microscopy was performed using a Holomonitor M4 microscope (Phase Holographic Imaging AB, Lund, Sweden). 
The Holomonitor M4 is a label-free cell analyzer for adherent cells equipped with X20 magnification objective (NA-0.4), a 0.8 mW HeNe laser (633 nm, 100 µW/cm2, exposure time 5 ms), and a motorized stage. 
Digital holographic microscopy, as a quantitative phase-contrast imaging method, is a form of optical interferometry, which detects the phase delay related to the light passing through the tested object.  
Images were converted from wavelength interaction to cells’ representation by a computer algorithm (Hstudio 2.6, Phase Holographic Imaging AB, Lund, Sweden). This computation enables to obtain information on various morphological and optical parameters. 
Two different threshold settings prior to segmentation of cells were used for analyzing the experiments: Otsu thresholding (OT) [56] and minimum error thresholding (MET) [57]. While the former results in a more accurate identification of cells, by excluding focus debris, MET gave a more accurate cell outline. In our study, the same trend was observed using the two threshold settings and the DHM results presented in this study were analyzed according to MET threshold. In general, cell lines (1–4 × 105) were seeded in 6-well plates at different degrees of confluence (10–30%) with or without incubation for 4 to 6 h for cell adhesion. Following incubation, cells were exposed to ricin or abrin at 1–100 ng/mL in a 3 mL volume. The neutralizing effect of anti-ricin and anti-abrin antibodies was assessed by incubating toxins with 20 μg MH1 or MH75 monoclonal antibodies or 1:100 dilution of polyclonal antibodies. Cells were monitored continuously, in time-lapse mode (every 10 min), in multiple locations in each well using a high precision motorized stage. Quantified parameters obtained from DHM in each frame were analyzed as changes relative to time zero from each area and presented as mean ± SE for all the monitored areas in each well. In this work we focused on significant changes observed during intoxication in several parameters: phase-shift (phase delay related to the light passing through the tested object), confluence, area, irregularity (determines the deviation of the cell region from the circular shape), perimeter, and roughness (indication on the smoothness of the surface of the cell). As the refractive index of the cell and the surrounding medium cannot be measured, the presented cell thickness and volume values are expressed as the optical thickness and effective-calculated volume (ECV).
Digital holographic microscopy (DHM) is a time-lapse, label-free, and noninvasive imaging technique that can provide both quantitative and qualitative phase information on morphological features such as cellular area, shape, thickness, volume and confluence. 
This method does not require any media changes or addition of dyes, simplifying high throughput screening. Thus, this technology is suitable for sensitive measurements of various cellular events such as live cell imaging, cell migration, proliferation, differentiation, and death. Identifying and measuring specific morphological features by DHM during early stages of exposure to toxic agents such as ricin and abrin, could allow early cell death detection, thereby determining toxin activity. 
As a label-free technique, DHM does not require pipetting steps which can affect the cell and even induce strong bias as some detached dead cell can be washed out. 
We therefore set out to develop an activity assay for ricin and abrin based on DHM evaluation of cells following intoxication.
In this study, we present the feasibility of a cell-based assay for ricin and abrin intoxication using DHM.  
In contrast to current methodologies, DHM is noninvasive, rapid and able to monitor changes in cell morphology dynamically, allowing early detection of low dose intoxication. The method described herein may be applied for early and sensitive detection of these as well as other toxins and substances.

2. Results

2.1. Morphological Changes in Cell Lines Observed by DHM Following Ricin Exposure

In order to characterize morphological changes mediated by ricin exposure, HeLa cells were seeded in six-well plates at different confluence levels (10–30%) and incubated for 4–6 h for cell adhesion. Following incubation, cells were exposed to ricin at 100 ng/mL and digital holograms of four different areas in each well were recorded at 10 min time intervals for 20 h.
The resulting digital holographic images were used to measure and define changes in various morphological and optical features of treated versus untreated cells. Images of treated cells depicted in Figure 1A show a representative 3D holographic images of HeLa cells treated with 100 ng/mL ricin. A visual inspection of the images shows a decrease in cell numbers and confluence within 7 to 11 h and increased cell thickness and roundness within 11 h post-ricin exposure compared to untreated cells. Increased cell thickness and roundness following ricin exposure, indicates that the cells undergo apoptosis or detachment from the plate. These differences between treated and untreated cells were quantified by the DHM. Results (Figure 1B) show that significant changes occur within 3 to 6 h post-ricin exposure in confluence, irregularity, and optical cell thickness. Moreover, DHM enables the monitoring of additional parameters including phase-shift, cell area, perimeter, roughness, and effective-calculated volume (ECV) which could not be observed visually. In addition, the relative changes in cell counts measured by DHM support the visual inspection indicating a marked decrease in cell divisions (Figure S1). In general, significant changes were observed within 4–7 h post-ricin intoxication.
Figure 1. Morphology features of ricin intoxication detected by digital holographic microscopy (DHM). Effect of ricin treatment on HeLa cells was tested using DHM. Cells were subjected to ricin (100 ng/mL), and digital holograms of four different areas in each well were recorded for 20 h at 10 min intervals. Untreated cells were used as a control. (A) Representative three-dimensional Images of treated and untreated cells as captured at 0, 3, 7, 11, and 17 h. Marker for optical thickness depicted on the right side. (B) Quantification of the relative changes in various morphological parameters was performed in parallel in the presence of neutralizing antibodies MH1 (monoclonal anti-subunit A), MH75 (monoclonal anti-subunit B), and polyclonal antibodies. * indicate p < 0.05 of intoxicated vs. untreated cells according to 2-tailed Student’s t-test.

Early Morphological Changes Detected by DHM Are Attributed to Live Cells

Thus far, we demonstrated that DHM allows for morphological analysis that can identify significant changes induced by ricin/abrin intoxication by analyzing the entire field of view. The cell populations analyzed are comprised of cells undergoing all stages of ricin intoxication, including early and late apoptotic cells. As a consequence, each parameter is an average of a heterogenic cell population. Using the annexin V and PI apoptotic assay we could evaluate the early and late apoptotic cell populations reaches ~15% within 8 h post 100 ng/mL ricin exposure (Figure 4A and Figure S2A). The apoptotic cells, exhibiting annexin V+/PI+ double staining, reflect late apoptotic stages. These cells show also significant changes in size and granularity detected by the forward and side scatter (FSC/SSC) parameters (Figure S2B). In an attempt to focus on the morphological changes of the live cell fraction (undergoing early intoxication stages), we analyzed individual cells in each frame by using the ’tracking cells’ application. This allows the exclusion of presumed dead cells defined by parameters such as roundness and thickness (Figure 4B). We presume that these cells are the late apoptotic cells defined by flow cytometry in Figure 4A and Figure S2. Next, we analyzed the remaining cell population (live cells and early apoptotic cells) for morphological changes. Analysis of these cells during the first 11 h post-ricin exposure shows the same trend in morphological parameters as previously described, starting 5 h and increasing with time up to 11 h after intoxication (Figure 4C). These results show that morphological changes after intoxication are manifested also by cells in early stages of intoxication and are not fully related or biased by the late stage of intoxicated cells. Interestingly, the roughness feature was unaffected in treated tracked cells, suggesting roughness is in fact a specific indicator of late apoptotic outcome. Detection of morphological changes in live cells upon early stages of intoxication emphasizes the high sensitivity of this method for assessing toxin activity.
Figure 4. Intoxication evaluation of live cells by DHM. HeLa cells were exposed to ricin 10–100 ng/mL. (A) Percentage of apoptotic cells (mean ± SE) during 8 h of ricin intoxication was determined using annexin V and PI apoptosis assays. (B) Live cell segmentation was performed using DHM cell tracking application according to roundness and thickness parameters in each frame. In each frame, 50–60 cells were tracked and analyzed. Treated and untreated tracked live cells were analyzed for morphological changes during 11 h post-ricin exposure (100 ng/mL). Shown are representative results out of three independent experiments (mean of 4 different areas in each well ± SE). (C) A representative DHM 2D image for presumed live cell segmentation analysis (cell margins are highlighted by colored lines).
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