lördag 6 april 2019

Forskningsrapport i vardande

15 forskare från 12 olika institut belägna i Ungern, Polen, Tyskland och Japan kommer få sina studier publicerade i nästa edition av den vetenskapliga publikationen Chemico-Biological Interactions.

Bland forskarna ser vi den HoloMonitorfrälste Robert Horvath.
Studien finns enbart tillgänglig via dess abstract.

In vitro SOD-like activity of mono- and di-copper complexes with a phosphonate substituted SALAN-type ligand

SALEN- and SALAN-based complexes with catalytically active metal centers are very promising small molecules to be utilized as part of antioxidant therapies.
Here we discuss a modified SALAN-type molecule armed with two phosphonate groups that significantly increase its water solubility and aid to furnish mono- or dinuclear complexes with Cu2+ ions. The regulation of the SOD-mimicking (i.e., catalytic) disproportionation reaction of the superoxide radical anion (O2•−) at pH ∼7.5 could be achieved by adjusting the metal-to-ligand stoichiometry as confirmed by McCord-Fridovich and pulse radiolysis tests.
The higher antioxidant activity of the dicopper complex can be explained by the better access of O2•− to the copper centers and their more positive Cu(II)/Cu(I) redox potential.
Simultaneously the analysis of in vitro effect on cells morphology indicates that cytotoxicity is also affected by the metal-to-ligand ratio, however, the active complex molecules do not show notable cytotoxicity that, together with the observed SOD-like activities, makes them potential candidates for antioxidant therapies.

Den offentligjordes i torsdags, Available online 4 April 2019, och hittas på denna sida som nr 5 bland övriga artiklar att publiceras.
Som vanligt vid enbart abstract´s får man gå bakvägen för att hitta användande av HoloMonitor.
....Another novel, non-invasive technique for quantifying cytotoxicity is time-lapse cytometer HoloMonitor M4. This device is capable of recording cell morphological ...
100% bekräftelse av HoloMonitoranvändande lär vi få när Bolaget lägger upp den på sin sida.

Med denna forskningsrapport får jag det till 11 inalles sen årsskiftet.Fortsätter publiceringarna i samma tempo för resten av året kommer vi nå 45-50 för 2019 vilket blir rekord för ett enskilt år och får ses som ett erkännande av rang.

1 kommentar:

  1. All I look for is Phase or Holomonitor - and I’m so pleased every time I see it ��

    Thanks for the great work you do��
