Skottland satsar hårt för att attrahera forskare och forskningsbolag verksamma inom den alltmer växande Life Science sektorn. I ett samarbete mellan stat och industri antog man 2017 en plan för hur nå utsatta mål till 2025.
I dokumentet Life Sciences Strategy for Scotland 2025 Vision Accelerating Growth, Driving Innovation anger man målen och hur nå dessa. Man satte upp en hemsida för att berätta om fördelar med Skottland som land att etablera sin forskning i.
Såhär marknadsför man sig :
Access To World Leading Research
Scotland is an ideal location to source partners for major Life Sciences projects, with world leading research expertise across human healthcare, animal and plant sciences, aquaculture, agritech and industrial biotechnology.Scotland ranks worldwide among the top three for research productivity and impact, with 19 universities and higher education institutions, and world leading research centers, that attract some of the brightest international scientists. For example, Scotland has the largest concentration of animal health and aquaculture researchers in Europe.
Scotland has invested heavily to develop innovation and excellence centres to catalyse collaborations between industry and academia. These interactions support business performance through the rapid and efficient translation of solutions to industrial and scientific challenges, creating economic value for Scotland. In the last five years, Scotland has created 6 innovation centres directly aligned to life sciences, with a core funding of £100m:
- Stratified medicine Scotland Innovation Centre
- Industrial Biotechnology Innovation Centre
- Digital Health and Care Institute
- The Data Lab
- Centre for Sensor and Imaging systems
- Scottish Aquaculture Innovation Centre
Investment Environment
Scotland has world class research leading to the generation of valuable intellectual property.Between 2009 and 2015, Scotland created more than 170 life sciences start ups with a success rate of 85%, demonstrating Scotland’s supportive environment for Life Sciences ventures. In the same period Scotland generated over 60 university Life Sciences spin-outs, more than any other region of the UK. Edinburgh, Strathclyde and Dundee all feature in the top 10 UK universities generating Life Sciences spin-outs.
Supporting this growth, Scotland has enhanced its investment offering, attracting Epidarex Capital, a £50m venture fund supported by a diverse range of investors, including Eli Lilly’s first venture fund investment within the UK. With 30% of its portfolio in Life Sciences, the Scottish Investment Bank is the most active investor in Life Sciences in the UK.Scotland has a network of incubators and an extensive range of support mechanisms to nurture young and growing companies.
Enterprise Agency support for growing companies
Scotland has one of the most active business angel networks in Europe and is only second to London in the UK in terms of the number of Life Sciences companies receiving venture finance. The Scottish Investment Bank is the most active Life Sciences investor in the UK.FINANCIAL SUPPORT TO DERISK INVESTMENT
Scotland also provides a range of supportive mechanisms to enable businesses to prosper including Regional Selective Assistance, Training Plus grants, R&D grants, Patent Box (UK) and the lowest rate of corporation tax of the G20 countries.För att klara ambitionsmålen måste den underliggande infrastrukturen finnas på plats.
Man nämner flera i texten ovanför, som ex universitet, innovationscentrum, finansiering, skattelättnader osv..
Men man behöver även försäkra sig om tillgång till "verktyg" för de kommande forskarna och forskningsbolagen. Där ingår utrustning som instrument bland annat.
Av den anledningen har man bjudit in ca 50 "scientific suppliers" som redan befintliga forskningsbolag mfl aktörer kommer få stifta närmare bekanskap med, men även ev kommande dito som går i funderingar att etablera sig i Skottland.
I listan bland deltagande företag finns namn som Thermo Fisher, Beckman Coulter mfl..
Detta event går av stapeln nu på torsdag och är en heldag på University of Dundee.
Bland dessa 50 företag har man valt ut ett fåtal som kommer få hålla seminarier och workshops.
Gissa vilket företag som är bland dessa choosen few? *trumvirvel* PHI of course.
Här ser ni programmet för dagen och när PHI´s repr Amandeep Dhillon tillsammans med PHI´s distrubutör Thistle Scientific kommer hålla sin workshop.
Bloggen anser naturligtvis att det är hedrande att bli utvald i ett sånt sällskap, men tror att det finns välgrundade motiv bakom som styrt valet.Digital teknik inom labbmiljön är på stark frammarsch.
PHI med sin excellenta teknik är heta,stekheta.
Ps.10 juni anordnar Life Science Scotland symposiet Future of Healthcare; the impact of technology within the US and globally.
Ur texten : This masterclass is aimed at Scottish companies involved or interested in the healthcare market; particularly technology or digital health companies targeting the US.
Mvh the99
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