onsdag 15 januari 2020

Ny forskningsrapport med nytt användningsområde för HoloMonitor

4 forskare från Malaysia har fått sina studier om hur en inflammation utvecklas och kan fås att påskynda läkningsprocessen, granskade,godkända och publicerade.I senaste utgåvan ,6 Januari, av den internationella skriften International Journal of Research in Pharmaceutical Sciences är deras artikel med.

The effect of calpain inhibitor on neutrophils spreading ability

Neutrophils spreading are a key event in the development and progression of inflammation, which is signaled by cytokines.
In order to undergo inflammation process, neutrophils will migrate towards the site of infection by adhering along the endothelium and undergoing a major morphological transition from a spherical shape to a flattened shape, which is known as neutrophils spreading.
Neutrophils transmigrate, whether by migration between the endothelial cells or through an endothelial cell.
Calpain are involved in several key aspects of migration, including adhesion and spreading.

Neutrophils were isolated from whole blood and observed under the microscope in order to study their spreading behavior.
The results of neutrophils spreading were recorded and measured in terms of the cells surface area of spreading after stimulation with chemoattractant.
This study showed the inhibition of calpain, which is triggered by Ca2+ influx has prevented neutrophils from changing its shapes and spread to its optimal. fMLP induced calpain inhibitor-treated neutrophils demonstrated smaller spreading areas (116.09µm2±2.58) as compared to the positive control cells (219.88µm2±3.73).
Therefore, a calpain inhibitor may play an important part in preventing neutrophils from spreading, which could halt the progression of inflammatory disorders.

Studien handlar om hur ett ämne i vita blodkroppar, Neutrophils, som kroppen utsöndrar vid en inflammation/infektion kan fås mer effektiva i läkeprocessen.
Neutrophillerna stammar från benmärgen och utsöndras i kroppen när kroppens egna receptorer identifierar en kommande inflammation.
"When there is an infection or another source of inflammation in the body, special chemicals alert mature neutrophils, which then leave the bone marrow and travel through the bloodstream to the site in need."
Forskarna har studerat hur det kroppsegna proteinet Calpain,som ingår naturligt i en cells migration,påverkar Neutrophillernas förmåga att söka sig till det inflammerade området.
De kom fram till att dessa Neutrophiller kan fås att målsöka bättre om man sätter in en Calpainhämmare, calpaininhibitor, E64d.
Det ger mindre spridning av Neutrophillerna som då istället kan fås att "riktas" enbart mot inflammationen.
I denna studie använde man sig av PHI`s HoloMonitor för att studera hur celler med Neutrophiller agerade under försöken. Man filmade förloppen och följde utvecklingen vilket ledde till denna nya kunskap.

Figure2:The size of neutrophils for (a ) positive controlgroup, and (b) calpaininhibitor-treated group after fMLP stimulation (c) The negative control group without chemoattractant.

Ur artikeln
Neutrophil spreading was determined by recording the changes in cells shapes and morphology under the microscope.
HoloMonitorTM M3 microscope was used to record neutrophils spreading in real-time.
100µl isolated neutrophils (1x106) were loaded in the six wells multi-dish and allowed to adhere for about 3 minutes onto the glass bottom.
Then, 10µl of 1mM fMLP (diluted in DMSO) was added to the cells.
The surface area of neutrophils spreading was calculated and analyzed using ImageJ software based on the continuous still images of the cells.
The surface area size was calculated according to the area of circle formula,

*Where π = 3.142, and ‘r’ is the radius of neutrophils.

Ännu ett nytt användningsområde för HoloMonitor kan konstateras. 

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