torsdag 21 maj 2020

Goodwill x 2

Now life science companies can test state-of-the-art instruments

From now on, companies that develop drugs, diagnostics and similar products will have the opportunity to run their own experiments on advanced new instruments installed by instrument suppliers in SmiLe Incubator’s public laboratories in Lund. SmiLe and Medicon Village have jointly worked to be able to offer this opportunity. Now we have the pleasure of presenting our first partner: Phase Holographic Imaging (PHI AB).

Lund-based Phase Holographic Imaging has provided the latest version of its “label-free live cell imager HoloMonitor M4©.” The instrument, which is a digital microscope with advanced software for purposes such as continual imaging, will be available at SmiLe throughout the year.

Researchers can use this instrument to study the behavior of live cells over time in a biologically relevant environment, with a technology that does not require the cells to be labeled. The instrument is placed in an incubator that creates an optimal environment for the cells. The software that accompanies the instrument offers many options for evaluation of the experiments. PHI's own experts offer to hold seminars for interested companies to describe the broad potential of the instrument, and to help companies to get started with experiments, along with SmiLe’s specialists.
The first company to use the instrument is SmiLe alumnus Truly Labs, which is based at Medicon Village and is active as a CRO in early drug development. They conducted studies on how specific cells grow over time in wound healing. The results can be viewed in a video.

SmiLe has ten laboratories that are open to member companies, as well as to other companies through the Open Lab Skåne project. The lab at SmiLe is equipped with instruments suitable for development work in pharmaceuticals and diagnostics. The purpose is to provide lab opportunities for early companies without having to make major investments, and to enable many companies to share common resources.
Through this collaborative effort, SmiLe and Medicon Village hope to offer life science companies broader opportunities for access to the latest, most advanced equipment.
“We are extremely pleased about the collaboration with Phase Holographic Imaging. Now, companies that use laboratories will have even broader opportunities to easily conduct highly sophisticated experiments – right here in Lund, with the support of specialists,” says Ebba Fåhraeus, CEO of SmiLe Incubator.
“The PHI instrument will be an outstanding complement to the larger Open Lab Skåne initiative run by SmiLe and others, which Medicon Village has supported from the start. We are thrilled to be able to offer state-of-the-art technology both in-house within the science park and for external companies,” says Kerstin Jakobsson, CEO of Medicon Village Innovation.

For more information, 
please contact Ebba Fåhraeus, CEO of SmiLe Incubator,  +46 734000433ebba [at] smileincubator.lifeor Kerstin Jakobsson, CEO of Medicon Village Innovation,  +46 705504540, Kerstin.Jakobsson [at]
For those interested in running experiments with the instrument or other instruments at Open Lab Skåneplease contact Per Brunmark, Per [at],or Martina Schneider, martina [at] , or visit
For more information about the instrument, please visit or contact info [at]

Uppmärksammas även här.

Såna här aktiviteter uppskattas av undertecknad.Att ge nystartade företag utan större resurser tillgång till för dem ett State of the art instrument som hjälper dem i sin verksamhet är alltid tilltalande.
Bara för det ska bloggen oxå bidra med en Goodwill-gest,men då till PHI.
Bidraget är en forskningsrapport som tidigare varit inlåst, men nu blivit tillgänglig.
Det är en kinesisk studie från oktober 2016 som handlar om att obehandlad Hepatit-B kan leda till levercancer.
18 kinesiska forskare har varit involverade i denna studie,vilket kan förklara att den varit inlåst då den förmodligen är ganska betydelsefull.Men nu släpper forskarna ut den info man forskat fram,till fromma för andra forskare inom samma gebit.

Hepatitis B virus X induces inflammation and cancer in mice liver through dysregulation of cytoskeletal remodeling and lipid metabolism

Från sidan går ni in under fliken Free full text.

Hepatitis B virus X protein (HBx) participates in the occurrence and development processes of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) as a multifunctional regulation factor. However, the underlying molecular mechanism remains obscure. Here, we describe the use of p21HBx/+ mouse and SILAM (Stable Isotope Labeling in Mammals) strategy to define the pathological mechanisms for the occurrence and development of HBx induced liver cancer. We systematically compared a series of proteome samples from regular mice, 12- and 24-month old p21HBx/+ mice representing the inflammation and HCC stages of liver disease respectively and their nontransgenic wild-type (WT) littermates. Totally we identified 22 and 97 differentially expressed proteins out of a total of 2473 quantified proteins. Bioinformatics analysis suggested that the lipid metabolism and CDC42-induced cytoskeleton remodeling pathways were strongly activated by the HBx transgene. Interestingly, the protein-protein interaction MS study revealed that HBx directly interacted with multiple proteins in these two pathways. The same effect of up-regulation of cytoskeleton and lipid metabolism related proteins, including CDC42, CFL1, PPARγ and ADFP, was also observed in the Huh-7 cells transfected with HBx. More importantly, CFL1 and ADFP were specifically accumulated in HBV-associated HCC (HBV-HCC) patient samples, and their expression levels were positively correlated with the severity of HBV-related liver disease. These results provide evidence that HBx induces the dysregulation of cytoskeleton remodeling and lipid metabolism and leads to the occurrence and development of liver cancer. The CFL1 and ADFP might be served as potential biomarkers for prognosis and diagnosis of HBV-HCC.

Som vanligt klipper jag bara in HoloMonitor-relevant info.

Material and Methods

Knock down CDC42 and ADFP, cell migration, invasion ability and lipid metabolism

The Huh-7 cells were cultured in 6-well plates at a density of 3 × 104 cells per well and respectively co-transfected with pCMV/HBx vector and CDC42 siRNA, ADFP siRNA or r or a negative control siRNA using FuGene HD reagents. After 36 h of transfection, cells was applied for western blot analysis according previous description. A total of 1 × 104 Cells was seeded onto the confocal plate (Nest, 801002) and treated according to previous description. cells were fixed in 4% pre-cooling paraformaldehyde for 10 min and then permeabilized with 0.5% Triton X-100 for 20 min at 37°C. cells were incubated with the TRITC Phalloidin labeling (1:500) (Yeasen, China) at 37°C for 30 min and followed by incubated with the 1 μg/ml DAPI for 5 minutes. cells were labeled with anti-CDC42 primary antibody (1:200) (Abcam, USA) and followed by incubated with DyLightTM488 secondary antibody for 1 hour at 37°C as well as dyed in 1 μg/ml DAPI for 5 min. Cells were visualized using confocal microscopy (Leica TCS SP8). The images were analyzed using IPP 6.0 software.

The migration ability of cells was assessed using holographic time-lapse imaging cytometer HoloMonitor M4 (Phase Holographic Imaging, Lund, Sweden) . 
The cells treatment accorded to the previous description [46]. After 36 h of transfection, the HoloMonitor M4 system was used to measure the migration distance of cells. 
Images were captured once every 5 min and lasted 24 h, these data was analyzed the mean migration distance per cell by Holostudio 2.4 software (Phase Holographic Imaging, Sweden) . 
Each line represented migration distance of a single cell. The transwell assay was performed as described [47]. Briefly, invasion assay was proceeded using self-coating Matrigel (BD Biosciences, MD) on the upper surface of the chamber. The invaded cells at the lower surface of the chamber were fixed with 75% ethanol and stained with hematoxylin. 3 randomly selected eyesights of the fixed cells were captured and calculated the cell amount. The concentration of cholesterol was measured using CHOD-PAP method as previous description.

Denna studie finns inte med på PHI,s sida Publications (jag har dubbelkollat).
Så med detta bidrag är ordningen återställd : bloggen ligger före eller åtminstone jämsides med Bolagets rapportering av HoloMonitorutförda studier. 😎
Se föregående inlägg där jag kommenterar att jag missat 1 forskningsrapport.(jag grämer mig fortfarande)
Nu har PHI 152 studier att visa upp,och inte 151 som de själva anger.(grämer mig mindre nu)
Detta är bloggens eget Goodwill-bidrag.

                                              Mvh the99

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