lördag 26 november 2022

Studiehelg - 5 nya forskningsrapporter (5/5)

Den PHI och HoloMonitorförknippade danskättade forskaren Louise Sternbæk har genomfört studier som kommer förära henne titeln Dr och naturligtvis en åtråvärd doktorshatt.Om ca 2 veckor kommer Louise försvara (disputation) sin doktorsavhandling,därefter öppnas dörrarna till den prestigefyllda forskningen som ansamlar kollegor världen över. Bloggen vill redan här gratulera Louise till sin nya position. Grattis !

Men till doktorsavhandlingen som handlar om studier kring cancer och hur behandla mer effektivt än dagens teknik. Det genom MIP`s och det efterlängtade projektet GlycoImaging.

Novel tools for detection, imaging, and analysis (PDF)
Sialic acid (SA) plays a crucial role in many biological processes. Cell surface SA expression is usually analyzed with antibodies or lectins; however, they are costly and with poor stability. We have used a molecular imprinting technique to synthesize an alternative SA receptor – SA molecularly imprinted polymers (SA-MIPs) with an embedded fluorophore for fluorescent detection of the SA-MIPs. The binding behavior and specificity of SA-MIPs were verified by using lectins and SA conjugates on cancer cell lines, showing that SA-MIPs can be used as an effective tool for SA expression analysis of cancer cells. Digital holographic cytometry (DHC) is a non-phototoxic quantitative phase imaging technique that facilitates the monitoring of living cells over time. We have demonstrated the potential of DHC by mapping cellular parameters, such as cell number, area, thickness, and volume. In addition, cellular parameters possibly depending on sialylation, were evaluated using DHC. Furthermore, the uptake over time of SA-MIPs by macrophages was investigated for any inflammatory and/or cytotoxic responses when administered to phagocytosing cells. Our results indicate that SA-MIPs caused low induction and sparse secretion of inflammatory cytokines, and that reduced cell proliferation was not due to cytotoxicity, but to attenuated cell cycles. These results suggest that SA-MIPs will contribute to the further understanding of cancer cell behavior and can be an asset for in vivo studies.

Det vimlar av referenser till HoloMonitor så jag kommer enbart ha med få av dessa. Det för att inte skymma strålkastarljuset på Loise och hennes gedigna arbete. Gå in på länken och läs hela hennes doktorsavhandling.


Digital holografisk cytometri är en mikroskopteknik som kan analysera levande celler i en för cellerna optimal miljö och detta kan ske under en längre tid, såsom under 48 timmar. 
Informationen som erhålls är exempelvis cellantal, cellernas rörelsemönster och cellernas form med avseende på yta, volym och tjocklek. 
Med hjälp av mikroskopet och dess tillhörande program kunde vi under 48 timmar följa cellerna en och en. För att kunna använda plastpartiklarna på djur eller på människor, är det viktigt att först undersöka om partiklarna är giftiga för celler eller aktiverar immunförsvaret. 
Ett immunsvar aktiveras av en akut inflammatorisk reaktion som kan mätas via signalämnen som kallas cytokiner. 
Vi mätte det inflammatoriska svaret efter vi inkuberat immunceller med plastpartiklarna. 
Resultaten visade ett svagt inflammatoriskt svar som var på samma nivå som svaren som erhölls från två referenspartiklar. 
Referenspartiklarna var partiklar som idag används för medicinska ändamål. Dessutom analyserades om våra partiklar var giftiga för immunceller efter 24-48 timmars inkubering med partiklarna. 
Våra resultat visade en minskad celltillväxt men inte någon ökad celldöd. 
Tillsammans visar detta att plastpartiklarna, inte är dödligt giftiga för celler och att de inte orsakar et inflammatoriskt svar. Framtida arbete med djurförsök är därför möjligt. 
Sammanfattningsvis bidrar avhandlingens resultat till för att göra cancerbehandling bättre och effektivare genom att ge ökad kunskap om sialinsyra. 
Avhandlingen bidrar också till utvecklingen av nya verktyg för upptäckt av sialinsyra på celler, tidig diagnostik av cancer.
This work has been carried out within the framework of Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions European Training Network (ETN) “GlycoImaging: Imprinted sialic acid nanoparticles for cancer associated biomarker detection” in 2017 - 2022. 
The project has engaged a diverse team of chemists and biologists from five research groups spread across five universities/institutes and two industrial partners, distributed over four countries. 
All with the same aim of developing next generation tools for cancer research and diagnostics. GlycoImaging is an interdisciplinary project that develops and implements highly promising glycan specific probes for clinically relevant cancer diagnostic technologies. 
The project consists of five work packages focusing on separate topics: synthesis of sialic acid molecularly imprinted polymers (SA-MIPs), modified cell models, in vivo models, and cancer diagnostics. 
This thesis has been focused on digital holographic cytometry for evaluation of SA-MIPs targeting cancer cells for ultimate in vivo applications. The ETN has offered a great platform for collaborations between industrial and academic partners, providing workshops and training events. 
The molecularly imprinted polymers were provided by the Federal Institute for Materials and Research Testing (BAM), University of Copenhagen provided valuable insights into glycomic workflows and gene-engineered cell lines, the University of Turku and Umeå University assisted with cell staining and analysis, Malmö University was in charge of cell-based studies on SA-MIPs.
Alterations in glycosylation affect a wide spectrum of key biological processes that are operational in development and progression of neoplastic diseases. 
Tumor cells tend to induce the aberrant formation of glycoconjugates carrying sialic acid (SA), thus establishing a negative charge to the effected glycan chains. Being of nonbiological origin, engineered molecularly imprinted polymers (MIPs), are extremely robust, resisting denaturing solvents and high temperatures, and can be produced at low costs. 
Having none of the limitations of antibodies and lectins, MIPs have the potential to overcome many of the problems of current detection strategies. Detection of the morphology of cells and tissues by digital holographic cytometry (DHC) is a long-term goal for researchers in the field. 
Thus, cancer cells, circulating tumor cells, and even metastatic cancer cells growing in in vivo models can be screened using the DHC methodology. 
Furthermore, even labelled artificial receptors/MIP nanoparticles can be evaluated with DHC. 
This could, in turn, offer an instant clinical value. This PhD project is a collaboration between the company Phase Holographic Imaging (PHI) AB and Malmö University in the EU collaboration project GlycoImaging. 
This thesis deals with glycan-specific MIPs targeting cancer cells. The MIPs were selective for SA (SA-MIPs), which we investigated regarding specificity for cancer cells. 
The DHC platform was used to study the morphology of cells, and the possible role of SA in cancer cell movement. 
Moreover, the cytotoxicity and inflammatory response of SA-MIPs were analyzed to evaluate the possible use of SA-MIPs in in vivo studies.
Digital holographic cytometry 
In this thesis, the imaging technique digital holographic cytometry (DHC) is used to obtain the main results presented in Paper II-IV, either isolated, or in combination with other techniques. 
The HoloMonitor M4 is a live cell time-lapse cytometer that employs digital holography to allow non-invasive visualization and quantification of living cells without compromising cell integrity. 
The HoloMonitor M4 is based on a configuration called off-axis Mach-Zender [93-95]. A 635 nm diode laser beam is split into two beams, the sample beam, and the reference beam. 
The sample beam passes through the sample, in our case, the cells, before it is led to interfere with the reference beam (Figure 5). The resulting interference pattern is captured on an image sensor and is used to create a hologram by calculations based on the phase shift. 
The phase shift is used to calculate the actual thickness of the sample. A cell image can be constructed based on the calculated cell thickness for every pixel of the image [90, 91].
Time-lapse cytometry allows non-invasive visualization and analysis of live cell populations by tracking and quantifying individual cells [98, 99]. 
There are several advantages of holographic microscopy. One is that the created quantitative phase images are focused when viewed rather than when recorded. 
This makes the HoloMonitor M4 time-lapse cytometer ideal for long-term imaging and analysis of living cells by means of time-lapse microscopy, where a series of cell images are acquired at regular time intervals, allowing analysis of the dynamics of various cellular events [100, 101]. 
Unfocused images, caused by focus drift, are refocused by letting the computer software recreate the phase image from the recorded hologram [102]. 
Another advantage of the HoloMonitor M4 is that it can be installed in a cell incubator, and thereby it is possible to keep the cells in the same environment as during normal cell culturing during the entire experiment. 
In Figure 6 below, a cell marked with a yellow border is shown at different time points, and it is seen that the cellular morphology changes over time, in this example, due to cell division. 
With HoloMonitor M4 it is possible to both detect these changes qualitatively and perform quantitative analysis by investigating more than thirty different morphological parameters. In Figure 5e, some of the most common morphological parameters are visualized. The first parameter is the cell area. 
The sample cell is first very large (Figure 5a), then it contracts and becomes smaller (Figure 5b) and after cell division, each cell has a very small area (Figure 5c); afterwards, the cell will flatten out again, and spread over a larger area (Figure 5d). Initially, the optical thickness is relatively small, around 3.4 µm (Figure 5a). Preparing for cell division, the cell rounds up and becomes almost twice as thick (Figure 5b), and after cell division, it flattens out again (Figure 5d). All the morphological parameters shift over time and when taken together, the parameters tell a time-based story of the cell.

Figure 6. DHC images shows an example of cell division and how the cell changes in morphology when dividing using HoloMonitor proprietary software. a) a flatten out cell, b) a cell preparing for cell division, c) the cell has divided into two daugther cells, d) the cells are flatten out again, e) most common morphological parameters

The evaluation of new tools for the detection of SA is important for the development of future methods for cancer diagnosis. The research presented in this thesis focuses on the binding of SA-MIPs to cancer cells and their inflammatory and cytotoxic effects. 
In addition, the study evaluated the advantages of DHC, which is a state-of-the-art microscopy technique that facilitates long term acquirements of quantitative data of living cells. 
The major findings presented in Paper I-IV fulfills the aims of this thesis. 
I. To investigate the binding behavior and specificity of SA-MIPs on different cancer cell lines ✓ Different cancer cell lines have different and distinct SA expression patterns and SA-MIPs generate similarly different binding patterns. 
II. To study the potential of DHC by mapping cellular parameters ✓ DHC is a novel tool that can be used to discriminate different cell types based on morphological alterations. 
III. To investigate whether SA-MIPs lead to inflammatory and/or cytotoxic responses when administered to phagocytosing cells ✓ The SA-MIPs had low inflammatory effect and expressed no shortterm cytotoxicity when administered to phagocytosing cells In summary, these findings suggest that the synthesized SA-MIPs would be applicable for future in vivo studies since they cause only minor in vitro inflammatory responses as well as close to negligible cytotoxicity. 
SA-MIPs have the potential of becoming new tools for analysis of SAs in cancer diagnosis, which is important for early detection and treatment of cancer, thus boosting the survival rates of cancer patients. 

Under Conclusions beskriver Louise även en viktig aspekt som förmodligen har bäring till den snart marknadserbjudna kombon Fluo/Holo.

Improving DHC 
DHC analyses cells over time under stress free conditions, providing near-ideal information about cell behavior. The drawback is that DHC lacks the ability to identify cell surface markers such as proteins. Therefore, combining DHC with fluorescence microscopy would facilitate additional identification of cells. One main advantage would be the ability to match surface protein expression with cell division and cell movement. Fluorescent imaging damages the cells, thus images would have to be taken at a lower frequency, every 12 h interval, this would allow unaffected cells growth. 
DHC images can still be recorded in between fluorescence captures to track individual cells.
*Min notering. DHC = Digital Holographic Cytometri (Holomonitor). 

Avslutningsvis väljer bloggen att uppmärksamma delar där Louise nämner kliniskt arbete med DHC.
- Detection of the morphology of cells and tissues by digital holographic cytometry (DHC) is a long-term goal for researchers in the field. Thus, cancer cells, circulating tumor cells, and even metastatic cancer cells growing in in vivo models can be screened using the DHC methodology. 
Furthermore, even labelled artificial receptors/MIP nanoparticles can be evaluated with DHC. 
This could, in turn, offer an instant clinical value.
DHC in the clinic 
DHC is not only a powerful tool for research but could also serve as a useful tool in the clinic. Classification of cells is a challenge that has attracted much attention. DHC can classify leukocyte subpopulations based on their cellular size and evaluate the morphological characteristic of erythrocytes. 
This would aid the diagnosis of diseases associated with erythrocytes e.g., malaria-infected erythrocytes. 
With DHC, the cellular shapes can be compared to determine whether cells have been infected or not. Moreover, DHC has a wide spectrum of applications in the biomedical field since it can perform high-throughput analyses by monitoring and classifying various cell types. 
It is an excellent technique for long-term time-lapse imaging for determination of clinically relevant behavior of cells. It has been demonstrated to be useful in for instance cervical cancer screening, with the possibility of improving the screening process of gynecologic cervical samples. 

Allt strålkastarljus på snart titulerade Dr Louise Sternbæk.

Bloggen vill å PHI´s aktieägares vägnar utropa ett stort grattis i förskott till Louise.

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