tisdag 7 maj 2024

Specialutgåvan med QPI

Applied Sciences specialutgåva med enbart QPI innehåll håller på att formera sig. Denna utgåva som Kersti Alm och Anette Gjörloff-Wingren är redaktörer för. Ett första inskick har godkänts för publicering och är från 4 amerikanska forskare. Intressant i sammanhanget är att Kersti och Anette uppmanade forskarvärlden att skicka in sina studier där QPI rent generellt har använts.Alltså med valfritt QPI-instrument som absolut inte behövde vara en HoloMonitor. Den första forskningsrapporten som skickats in handlar om studier på celler relaterade till hjärtat. Studier utförda med....tadaaa...HoloMonitor. Läser man igenom studien känns det som att PHI behöver pröjsa forskarna för deras PR-givande av instrumentet. Här har PHI marknadsföringsmaterial av klass att använda. 
Men till studien: 

Application of Digital Holographic Imaging to Monitor Real-Time Cardiomyocyte Hypertrophy Dynamics in Response to Norepinephrine Stimulation


Cardiomyocyte hypertrophy, characterized by an increase in cell size, is associated with various cardiovascular diseases driven by factors including hypertension, myocardial infarction, and valve dysfunction. 
In vitro primary cardiomyocyte culture models have yielded numerous insights into the intrinsic and extrinsic mechanisms driving hypertrophic growth. 
However, due to limitations in current approaches, the dynamics of cardiomyocyte hypertrophic responses remain poorly characterized.
In this study, we evaluate the application of the Holomonitor M4 digital holographic imaging microscope to track dynamic changes in cardiomyocyte surface area and volume in response to norepinephrine treatment, a model hypertrophic stimulus. 
The Holomonitor M4 permits non-invasive, label-free imaging of three-dimensional changes in cell morphology with minimal phototoxicity, thus enabling long-term imaging studies. 
Untreated and norepinephrine-stimulated primary neonatal rat cardiomyocytes were live-imaged on the Holomonitor M4, which was followed by image segmentation and single-cell tracking using the HOLOMONITOR App Suite software version
The 24 h treatment of cultured cardiomyocytes with norepinephrine increased cardiomyocyte spreading and optical volume as expected, validating the reliability of the approach. 
Single-cell tracking of both cardiomyocyte surface area and three-dimensional optical volume revealed dynamic increases in these parameters throughout the 24 h imaging period, demonstrating the potential of this technology to explore cardiomyocyte hypertrophic responses with greater temporal resolution; however, technological limitations were also observed and should be considered in the experimental design and interpretation of results.

Overall, leveraging the unique advantages of the Holomonitor M4 digital holographic imaging system has the potential to empower future work towards understanding the molecular and cellular mechanisms underlying cardiomyocyte hypertrophy with enhanced temporal clarity.

Materials and Methods (urval)

2.4. Digital Holographic Time-Lapse Imaging

A Holomonitor M4 digital holographic microscope was purchased from Phase Holographic Imaging (PHI, Lund, Sweden) and placed directly within a Heracell 150 CO2 incubator (Thermo Scientific, Waltham, MA, USA). For digital holographic imaging experiments, rat cardiac cells were cultured and treated with chemicals in 6-well plates (83.3920, Sarstedt, Nümbrecht, Germany) and then covered with HoloLids (PHI, Sweden) to stabilize imaging conditions. The cultures were then transferred into a 37 °C and 5% CO2 incubator to acclimatize for an additional 1 h and reduce condensation on the well bottoms. Then, 10 imaging positions were selected per treatment using the HOLOMONITOR App Suite software. This process took approximately 30 min. After the position selection, live rat cardiac cultures were imaged on the Holomonitor M4 for 24 h, with time points taken every 20 min at 37 °C and 5% CO2.
Figure 1. Quantification of cardiomyocyte optical volumes in response to 24 h stimulation with 10 µM norepinephrine. (A) Overview of experimental design. Cardiac cultures derived from the hearts of postnatal day 1 (P1) to P3 rat pups cultured with and without 10 µM norepinephrine (NE) treatment and then visualized for 24 h on the Holomonitor M4 digital holographic imaging microscope. (B) Representative three-dimensional reconstructions of cultured cardiomyocytes (CM) and non-cardiomyocytes (non-CM) as visualized on the Holomonitor M4 at the beginning of our time-lapse imaging experiments at 0 h (0 hours). CMs were identified based on their larger size and overall thickness.

Our lab has recently observed that α-actinin-positive cardiomyocytes can be distinguished from non-cardiomyocyte cells imaged on the Holomonitor M4 based on their overall larger size and slower motility. 
Using these criteria, we were able to readily identify cardiomyocytes in our cardiac cultures, both with and without norepinephrine treatment.

Various technologies are capable of quantitatively evaluating cardiomyocyte size, including Coulter counter analysis, flow cytometry, and confocal imaging. However, they are limited in their ability to directly and non-invasively monitor the real-time dynamics of cardiomyocyte hypertrophic responses over extended durations. 
A major advantage of the Holomonitor M4 is that it utilizes a low-power 635 nm laser, which minimizes phototoxicity, making the instrument ideal for long-duration live-cell imaging.

Taken together, these results provide proof-of-principle evidence that the Holomonitor M4 digital holographic imaging system can be successfully applied to monitor dynamic changes in cardiomyocyte surface area and volume in response to a hypertrophic stimulus.

Min kommentar
Förtiofyra (44) gånger omnämns HoloMonitor i denna studie.Slutsatsen man kan dra är att forskarna vänt in och ut på instrumentet för att leta möjligheter likväl som begränsningar. De har hittat 1 teknisk detalj PHI kan förbättra, i övrigt idel lovord. PHI har som sagt ett förstklassigt marknadsföringsmaterial i dessa 4 amerikanska forskares ambitiösa jobb med att använda instrumentet för sina hjärtcellstudier.
En tårta kanske VD-Patrik kan skicka över med expressflyg? 😎
Världens forskare inom hjärtcellsstudier har nu fått ett bättre instrument de kan använda än gängse.
Tack till Oscar som mejlade över denna info.

AstraZeneca (NASDAQ:AZN) is investing $300M in a new US facility to manufacture T-cell therapies for clinical trials around the world, with a possible expansion into treatments for other diseases.

The UK drugmaker said the facility, to be located in Rockville, Maryland, is its latest investment in cell therapy, citing its collaborations with Quell Therapeutics, AbelZeta and Cellectis and acquisition of Neogene Therapeutics.

AstraZeneca said it expects the new plant to generate around 150 new highly skilled jobs. 

Pps. Det utlovade jobbet med ev koppling BioSpherix-Altium är inte bortglömt. Ds

                                          Mvh the99

Som service till alla ev HoloMonitornyfikna forskare : HoloMonitor Demo

1 kommentar:

  1. Tack för trevlig lektyr, och tack till Oscar som delade med sig av informationen.
