torsdag 15 augusti 2024

USA - Handeln har startat

Till min förvåning ser jag att PHI alldeles nyss startade sin handel på den amerikanska börsen. Trodde de skulle skicka PM om vilken dag det skulle ske,men icke. På Linkedin får vi info.


Phase Holographic CEO Patrick Eschricht joined Steve Darling from Proactive to discuss the company's groundbreaking work in non-invasive cell analysis, a technology that is proving to be a game-changer in the field of regenerative medicine. Eschricht explained how their innovative technology allows for the extraction of detailed data from individual cells without causing any harm. This approach is vital for the rapidly evolving landscape of regenerative medicine, where precise monitoring and data collection are becoming increasingly essential for developing personalized and non-invasive treatment options. Eschricht emphasized that this technology offers a significant advantage by enabling researchers and clinicians to gather comprehensive cellular data while preserving the integrity of the cells. This capability is particularly important as the medical community moves toward more sophisticated, patient-specific therapies that require accurate, real-time data to be effective. The discussion also highlighted the strategic importance of the U.S. market for Phase Holographic Imaging. Eschricht pointed out the company's collaborations with leading institutions such as the Lake Forest Institute of Medicine, which are crucial to their efforts in the United States. He remarked, “We believe the U.S. will be a leader in regenerative medicine, and that’s why we are focusing our efforts here.” By aligning with top-tier research institutions, Phase Holographic is positioning itself at the forefront of the regenerative medicine revolution, particularly in a market that is expected to drive significant advancements in this field. Moreover, Eschricht touched on how Phase Holographic Imaging is contributing to the integration of artificial intelligence (AI) in medical technology. The high-quality data generated by their cell analysis technology is critical for developing advanced AI models, which in turn, can lead to more accurate diagnoses, better patient outcomes, and more efficient treatment protocols. This synergy between cutting-edge cell analysis and AI not only enhances the capabilities of medtech but also accelerates the overall progress of regenerative medicine. As Phase Holographic Imaging continues to push the boundaries of non-invasive cell analysis and AI-driven medtech, the company is well-positioned to play a pivotal role in the future of personalized medicine, particularly in the U.S., where the demand for innovative, non-invasive treatments is on the rise.

Tack till Cristian N som mejlade över denna intervju.

                                            Mvh the99

4 kommentarer:

  1. Pm kommer nog imorrn kontorstid. Fantastiskt bra bra jobbat! Nu kan vi se framemot en fin uppgång.

  2. Ska bli intressant att se hur 1000 aktier försvinner imorgon.

  3. Hur hamnar PHI-aktierna, för handel, på amerikanska OTCQB-listan?

  4. Många är oroliga att inte få teckna to4 billigt nu.
