torsdag 30 mars 2017


God förmiddag alla PHI,are
Här kommer då den utlovade dan-före-dan-julklappen.

En ungersk forskargrupp från anrika Semmelweis University (1769) i Ungern har kommit en bra bit på vägen i att förstå och bota hudcancer, malignt melanom.
Man har för några dagar sen fått sin rapport publicerad.

I sin forskning har de nått resultat som man tror kommer förändra synen på hur man framöver mest effektivt kommer kunna bota/kurera diagnostiserad hudcancer.

Kort förklarat har man forskat med redan kända substanser utvunna ur växten Rubia tinctorum L.
S.k derivat på molekyl/atomnivå ner till grundämnet kol (carbon).
Dessa substanser är benämnda Alizarin och Purpurin.
Man påvisar klar hämmande effekt på melanomceller, dvs tillväxt avtar med riktad behandling innehållande dessa substanser.
Eller som man själva skriver: antitumöreffekt i melanomceller.
Man kallar upptäckten/citat: möjlig användning som målinriktat medel mot cancer.
I sina slutsatser fortsätter man: …. föreslås gälla i läkemedelsleveranssystem som ett läkemedel mot cancer.

Var kommer då PHI in i bilden kanske ni undrar?
Jo, för att kunna observera cancercellers utveckling , det här fallet cellernas ev förändrade rörelsemönster och förändringsbenägenhet (storlek och form), har man använt sig av PHI,s Holomonitor M4.

Länk till rapport: Targeted tumor therapy by Rubia tinctorum L.: analytical characterization of hydroxyanthraquinones and investigation of their selective cytotoxic, adhesion and migration modulator effects on melanoma cell lines (A2058 and HT168-M1)

Ur rapporten 2015-12-18:

Alizarin and purpurin are di- and trihydroxyanthraquinones derived from Rubia tinctorum L.
Previous pharmacological studies have demonstrated that they exhibit certain degree of selective inhibitory effects towards cancer cells suggesting their application as a targeted drug for cancer.
Our present work was aimed to investigate the suitability of hydroxyanthraquinones of Rubia tinctorum L. for targeted tumor therapy.

The effects of alizarin, purpurin and an aqueous extract from transformed hairy root culture of Rubia tinctorum L. were examined on (1) cell proliferation, (2) apoptosis, (3) cell adhesion/morphology and (4) migration (chemotaxis, chemokinesis) of human melanoma cell lines (A2058, HT168-M1) and human fibroblast cells (MRC-5), as well as (5) the aqueous extract was analytically characterized.

The aqueous extract was prepared from R. tinctorum hairy root culture and qualitatively analyzed by HPLC and ESI–MS methods.
The cell growth inhibitory activity of anthraquinones was evaluated by MTT-assay and by flow cytometry. The effect of anthraquinones on cell adhesion was measured by an impedance based technique, the xCELLigence SP.
For the chemotaxis assay NeuroProbe® chamber was used. Computer based holographic microscopy was applied to analyze chemokinetic responses as well as morphometry.
Statistical significance was determined by the one-way ANOVA test.

In the aqueous extract, munjistin (Mr = 284, tR = 18.4 min) as a principal component and three minor anthraquinones (pseudopurpurin, rubiadin and nordamnacanthal) were identified.
The purpurin elicited a stronger but not apoptosis-mediated antitumor effect in melanoma cells (A2058: 10-6–10-5 M: 90.6–64.1 %) than in normal fibroblasts (10-6–10-5 M: 97.6–84.8 %).
The aqueous extract in equimolar concentrations showed the most potent cytotoxicity after 72 h incubation (A2058: 10-6–10-5 M: 87.4–55.0 %).
All tested substances elicited chemorepellent effect in melanoma cells, while in MRC-5 fibroblasts, only the alizarin exhibited such a repellent character.
Indices of chemokinesis measured by holographic microscopy (migration, migration directness, motility and motility speed) were significantly enhanced by alizarin and purpurin as well, while morphometric changes were weak in the two melanoma cell lines.

Our results highlight the effective and selective inhibitory activity of purpurin towards melanoma cells and its possible use as a targeted anticancer agent.
The anthraquinones of the cytotoxic extract are suggested to apply in drug delivery systems as an anticancer drug.

Extract ur rapporten:
Cell-tracking experiments accomplished by holographic microscopy represent a dedicated way to analyze chemokinetic activities in complexity of cellular migratory responsiveness.

In the present experiments the chemokinetic effects were evaluated by holographic tracking, measurement and calculation of the following parameters: (1) migration—the shortest direct distance from the starting point to the end point (µm); (2) motility (µm)—the actual way traveled from the starting point to the end point (µm); (3) migration directness—ratio of migration and motility (dimensionless); (4) motility speed—the actual way traveled from the starting point to the end point given per hour (µm/h).

Holographic microscopy detects morphological characteristics of cells with high sensitivity and contributes to distinguish cytotoxic and apoptotic processes.

The HoloMonitor™ M4 (Phase Holographic Imaging, Lund, Sweden) was used as an incubator proof, time-lapse and cell tracking instrument for adherent cells.
In this equipment development of image applies a non-invasive technique—digital holography—that does not require any labeling or staining.
The applied technique is based on how the target cells shift the phase light that passes through the cell. The image is reconstructed on the basis how the cells interfere with the light.
The provided data characterize locomotor behavior of the cells as well as describe in vivo morphological alterations elicited by other cells or environmental factors. HoloStudio™ M4 2.5 was used as dedicated software to capture and analyze series of images gained in time-lapse recording of images gained in time-lapse recording of cells.

Man avslutar rapporten med referenser till tidigare forskning som legat som bas för dessa nya upptäckter.
MEN scrolla ner till sista referenten, nr 45.
För de som inte hittar (latmaskar?) så är det en länk..till…
Holomonitor M4 med programvara

Kan man tolka det på annat sätt än att M4 hade ganska hygglig signifikans för de resultat man kom fram till?
+ snygg vink till andra forskare som kommer läsa denna rapport.

Sen angående gårdagens info om att Nature publicerat en artikel där PHI ingår och denna nyhet, vete håken vilken som smäller högst.

Nature ger bra cred brett ut i marknaden medan denna nyhet ger eko i forskarvärlden och läkemedelsindustrin.
Vi kan med ovanstående förmodligen räkna in Semmelweis University som ny kund.
De finns ännu inte med på PHI,s hemsida över users.

Och med detta så var årets julklappsutdelning klar här på BS.
Mvh the99 (stand in 4 mr Santa Claus)

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