torsdag 20 april 2017


En kvällsläsning som övergick till nattläsning.
Så intressant är den nyligen publicerade  vetenskapsrapport jag sitter med.
Men 19 sidor fullt med fackuttryck går inte att sammanfatta till "ren svenska" på en kväll inser jag.
Blir istället att ta helgen i anspråk för att bena igenom,översätta,förstå sammanhangen,tolka och skriva ut till en begriplig sammanfattning.
Hursom, den här forskargruppens rapport kommer ha betydelse för både nuvarande DHM-användare som övriga inom diagnos och forskningsområdet. Om jag är på rätt spår har den även impact på de ledande mikroskoptillverkarna.

Passar på att testa en ny funktion såhär på nattkvisten. Lägga in en bild i ett inlägg.
Såhär använde man en Holomonitor innan motorbordet fanns med.Man tillverkade ett själv :-D
Bilden visar en M4:a (i ett litet inkubatorskåp) som den ungerska forskaren Robert Horvath med team
använde redan 2015.

 Fig. 1 Incubator proof Holomonitor M4 and the developed sample stage. (a) Representation of the
basics of the working principle of the aluminum sample stage. (b) Appliance in the incubator. The sample
stage is moveable upward and downward using the screw. (c) Ibidi μ-Slide filled with cell culture media
with adhered cells in the channel of the slide. (d) Image recorded by the Holomonitor above focus (e) in
focus and (f) below focus. Note the image above and below focus means that the sample stage is positioned
above or below that range where the image focus can be found by the Holomonitor digitally.

Kan inte undanhålla er vad Robert skrev i denna rapport bilden är tagen från.
" During our experiments, the newly developed remarkably small-sized M4 Holomonitor was inside a cell culture incubator continuously. 
The parts of the appliance are specially selected to withstand the harsh climate of the cell incubator.
The in-situ monitoring of living cell movements are more and more important today.
Several other techniques exist to study cellular movements, but they have been mainly directed at migration studies and they have their drawbacks. For example,filter assays measure the cell migration over a membrane in response to chemoattractants (Boyden chamber, Zigmond and Dunn chambers).
The disadvantage is that they are very specialized,requiring cells to migrate through both a matrix and the pores of the filter.Very few cell lines can migrate through both of them. Single cell movements can be studied by using time-lapse imaging, often with fluorescent markers.
Fluorescent imaging also has disadvantages. It may disturb the cells and the imaging time is limited by the bleaching of the fluorescent marker. 

In contrast with fluorescent imaging,holographic microscopy is a label-free technique.
To understand the behavior of the cells in such environments and to draw conclusions to figure out further therapeutic possibilities,it is crucial to observe and quantitatively record live cell behavior, the random movement (motility), and directional movement (migration).

For example, observation of the movement of the tumor cells is a very important topic: the formation
of tumors and metastasis arise when cells migrate and move."

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