tisdag 30 maj 2017

2 nya rapporter ( andra kommer här )

Denna rapport kom även den ut i fredags 26/5, med uppdatering igår 29/5.
Den är enligt undertecknad speciellt intressant för oss PHI,are.
Inte enbart för dess innehåll och de forskningsresultat man åstadkommit.
Nix, det intressanta momentet är vilka som står bakom den.
I vanliga fall får vi rapporter från välrenomerade Universitet och Institutioner.
Men här har vi en rapport från ett kommersiellt företag. (tänk Big Pharma men i mindre storlek)
Det rör sig om det Ungerska företaget Avidin Biotechnology som hittas på PHI,s sida över Users.

14 av deras forskare med László Puskás, PhD, DSc, Chief executive officer i ledningen har fått nedanstående rapport godkänd.

Mannich Curcuminoids as Potent Anticancer Agents


A series of novel curcuminoids were synthesised for the first time via a Mannich-3CR/organocatalysed Claisen–Schmidt condensation sequence.
Structure–activity relationship (SAR) studies were performed by applying viability assays and holographic microscopic imaging to these curcumin analogues for anti-proliferative activity against A549 and H1975 lung adenocarcinoma cells.
The TNFα-induced NF-κB inhibition and autophagy induction effects correlated strongly with the cytotoxic potential of the analogues.
Significant inhibition of tumour growth was observed when the most potent analogue 44 was added in liposomes at one-sixth of the maximally tolerated dose in the A549 xenograft model.
The novel spectrum of activity of these Mannich curcuminoids warrants further preclinical investigations.

Jag berör inte rapporten denna gång utan vänder blicken mot avsändaren istället.
Företaget beskriver sin verksamhet såhär:
"Avidin Ltd. was established in 2002.
The major focus of Avidin is to identify novel small molecules and further develop into drug or clinical candidates in cancer and CNS disease indications.
Avidin has widespread international scientific and industrial partnerships in drug discovery (medicinal chemistry, screen development, HTS genomics, animal models).
Besides in-house drug development programmes, the company provides services and products in the segment of pharmaceutical research, in the preclinical phase of analyzing different drug candidates (target and phenotypic-based hit identification, medicinal chemistry and lead optimization, proof of concept studies in vitro and in animal models, preclinical non-GLP toxicity and ADME/Tox studies) in cancer, inflammation and CNS indications.
Avidin has a Medicinal Chemistry Department where new drug-like molecules, and novel drug-like and drug candidate molecules can be synthesized. Avidin runs an SPF-like animal house and capable of working with different cancer models in immune deficient animals. Avidin can also conduct toxicology measurements in rodents in acute and chronic studies.

The company develops molecular biology-based novel diagnostic solutions as well.
Among these, one is exceptionally successful the high-density nanoliter volume real-time PCR technology (100.000 QRT-PCR/week capacity). This technology was applied to screen the expression of toxicology-related genes and genes coding for cancer stem cell and activated stromal cell related genes. In 2011 Avidin is specialized in single cell genomics, where the company enables digital measurements of mRNA, miRNA expression of individual cells with superior sensitivity and reproducibility."

Företaget framstår som en underleverantör till de större tillverkarna av läkemedel.
Med egna forskare som fått fram delkompononenter till färdiga läkemedel, men även komponenter behövda för vidare forskning.Se under fliken Products.
Att de rönt framgång kan man konstatera här.
Vi får även lite info om deras användande av PHI,s Holomonitor.

Label-free 3D Cell analysis by using holographic microscopy

A new innovative microscopic technology, HoloMonitor™ M3 (Phiab) has been purchased and the technology has been optimized for different screening projects. Phase Holographic Imaging´s HoloMonitor™ M3 is the first totally non-invasive live cell imaging microscope/cell analyzer.
Avidin is using the technology for evaluating/screening in primary cells, cancer cells and for testing immune functions, toxicity of different drug candidates.

Min kommentar
Med denna rapport får vi ett kvitto på att kommersiella företag inom läkemedelsindustrin ser behov och fördelar med att använda sig av PHI,s unika teknik. Den låsta rapporten kommer när den släpps fri förmodligen ge oss mer fakta hur betydelsefull Holomonitorn var för rapportens resultat.
Ska vi gissa att andra aktörer som Big Pharma kommer kika lite extra på dess innehåll?

1 kommentar:

  1. Grymt grävt igen 99:an. Alltid lika trevlig läsning ;)
