fredag 16 juni 2017

DHM - I vetenskapens tjänst

Här kommer då uppföljningen av DHM i ytterligare annat användningsområde än inom medicinteknik.
NASA är en aktör som håller på att ta till sig tekniken,även utveckla den för egna syften.
Ett syfte är att identifiera livstecken i föråldrade organismer som naturen bevarat,i form av ex inkapsling i is. Denna forskning har man tänkt att ha som grund för kommande expeditioner i det område NASA är mest känt för. Rymdexpeditioner.
Om vi tar det från början.2016 gjorde NASA-relaterade forskare (Digital Holographic Microscopy Laboratory at Caltech) fynd på karga Grönland som visade på tidigare liv i form av mikroorganismer(mikrober).
Det gjordes med egenutvecklad ,för miljön anpassat, Digitalt Holografiskt Mikroskop.Grönland var exemplariskt i det syftet med sitt kalla klimat,att konstruera ett mikroskop byggt på DHM-teknik som klarar den miljön.
Målet med den erfarenheten är att förbereda kommande rymdexpeditioner,att utrusta dessa med instrument som bygger på DHM-teknik.
Först den lyckade Grönlandsexpeditionen:

Holographic microscope could spot alien-life

Researchers have developed a holographic microscope to image microbes that thrive in extreme environments, and perhaps even on other planets.
Jay Nadeau from Caltech, US, and colleagues have already captured images and reconstructed videos of bacteria and algae that live in sea-ice brine, in Greenland.
The team now hopes the device will be taken on future search-for-extra-terrestrial-life missions to Mars and beyond.
Researchers are now developing the microscope's sample chamber further, and hope to scale down the entire device.They also believe the microscope is an ideal candidate for inclusion on a lander going to Mars, Jupiter's moon Europa or Saturn's moon Enceladus.
A motile bacterium (small cell) travels in the wake of a larger eukaryote in this recording taken directly in sea ice brine. [Jay Nadeau/Caltech]
Ur en annan artikel:
Scientists have detected microbes in Greenland sea ice using a specially built digital holographic microscope, suggesting that the instrument could have similar success on icy moons in the outer solar system, if any of them harbor life.
Indeed, the holographic microscope could theoretically make a contribution to NASA's mission to the Jupiter moon Europa, which the agency plans to launch by the mid-2020s, the instrument's developers say.
DHM has several advantages over ordinary imaging microscopy when it comes to possible use on a space mission, Lindensmith said.
For example, it's easy to make DHM instruments autonomous; there is no need for knob-twiddling to bring a target object into sharp view.
"The thing that makes it magic is, we don't have to do any focusing," Lindensmith told at AGU.
"We can reconstruct any image in the object field."
DHM images can be recorded in the form of videos, which allow researchers to detect microbe motility — one of the least ambiguous signs of life.
The team built a field-ready DHM system that’s about the size of an airplane carry-on bag, then put it to the test last March in three different sea-ice sites near Greenland's capital city, Nuuk, which lies on the giant island's southwestern coast.
The results were extremely promising, Lindensmith said.The instrument was able to resolve objects smaller than 1 micron (or 1 millionth of a meter),and it detected moving eukaryotes-organisms whose cells contain a nucleus and other membrane-bound organelles-in every single one of the more than 100 sea-ice samples it examined.
NASA is already developing a Europa mission, a $2 billion project that's scheduled to launch in the early to mid-2020s.
The as-yet-unnmaned spacecraft will perform 45 flybys of Europa from Jupiter orbit over the course of 2.5 years or so, assessing the moon's habitability with nine different science instruments.
The Europa spacecraft's payloads are not set in stone yet; NASA is considering adding a lander to the mission, possibly to hunt for signs of life on or near the moon's surface. If the agency does decide to go this route, a DHM unit would make a lot of sense, Lindensmith said; the microscope could be integrated into an instrument suite that also contains spectrometers, which would perform chemical analyses of target samples to complement the imaging work. 

Och en tredje artikel:
According to reports from NASa, using a new type of microscope, we could actually spot life on Icy moons.
The American Space Agency is testing out a digital holographic microscope (DHM) in Greenland, aiming to use it on a mission to Jupiter’s moon Europa around 2020.
According to reports, the revolutionary new microscope can shoot 3D detailed video and focus on specific parts automatically.
The DHM is able to record images of microbes at 1 micron, or a millionth of a meter.
It is considered by many scientists as a revolutionary new tool that will help us find out if there is microbial life elsewhere in the solar system.
All of these incredible claims come directly from NASA, where experts from different fields created a microscope that has the ability to capture images of so-called ‘extraterrestrial microbes’ which could be smaller than a micron, or one millionth of a meter in size.
After the DHM identifies an alien microbe, the images are then transferred to a computer which can recreate a realistic, holographic image of the alien beings here on Earth. Basically, it is something coming out of a sci-fi movie.
Researchers have high hopes for the revolutionary device – about the size of a carryon luggage – which will be launched into space on a mission to Jupiter’s moon Europa in the mid-2020’s.

Just nu håller NASA på att sätta samman en grupp med forskare och tekniker som ska implimientera DHM i sin verksamhet.
Den som känner sig manad att söka till den gruppen gör det via denna länk.

I en kommande rymdexpedition har man redan planerat in att använda sig av DHM för specifikt ändamål.
Se info på länken nedan.

Protein Crystal Growth Monitoring by Digital Holographic Microscope for the International Space Station-3 (PromISS-3) - 05.24.17

Min kommentar
Här visar jag ännu ett område där DHM kommer vara användbart.
Tekniken kommer med allra största säkerhet hitta fler användningsområden när "omvärlden" väl tagit till sig de möjligheter den medger.

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