söndag 18 juni 2017

Ny forskningsrapport

I tisdags,13/6,fick forskare från Italien en studie beträffande stamceller från benmärg och dess förmåga till läkning vid konstaterad bencancer, godkänd och publicerad.
Forskningsrapporten kommer finnas med i nästa nummer av tidskriften Experimental Cell Research, men finns tillgänglig i nätversionen redan nu.
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Studien är utförd av forskare från The Biophysics Institute (IBF), Genoa.
IBF är vana användare av PHI,s Holomonitor och finns upptagna på Bolagets lista Users.
De använder sig av förlagan till M4,alltså Holomonitor M3.
Men tillbaka till rapporten

Biophysical characterization of nanostructured TiO2 as a good substrate for hBM-MSC adhesion, growth and differentiation

L. Petecchia, C. Usai, M. Vassalli,P. Gavazzo  
Institute of Biophysics, National Research Council, Via De Marini 6, 16149 Genova, Italy
Received 22 February 2017, Revised 10 May 2017, Accepted 8 June 2017, Available online 13 June 2017

Mesenchymal stem cells from human bone marrow (hBM-MSC) are widely utilized for clinical applications involving bone healing. 
In this context, their use has been often optimized in association to variously designed titanium substrates, being this material of great use in orthopaedic implants.
According to recent findings, the ability of hBM-MSC to differentiate towards a specific lineage is not only driven by biochemical signals, but physical stimuli, such as rigidity or roughness of the substrate, can also support a commitment towards osteogenic differentiation. 
Moreover, the presence of features with defined dimensional scales, in particular nanometer-size, also proved to elicit specific biological effects. 
Here we evaluated the effectiveness of a nano-patterned titanium surface in sustaining hBM-MSC adhesion, growth and differentiation by means of a panel of biophysical tools: morphometry, electrophysiology, intracellular calcium measurements and immunocytochemistry. 
The results substantiate the idea that this micro-textured titanium dioxide is a good surface for growth and differentiation of hBM-MSC and it exhibits a stimulating action mainly in the initial period of differentiation. Moreover, the basal concentration of free cytosolic Calcium [Ca2+]i is confirmed to be a good hallmark of the hBM-MSC maturation stage. 
The study could provide relevant hints to help improving the biocompatibility and osteointegration potential of clinical titanium implants.

Info om bencancer
Primary bone cancers are not common and account for far less than 1% of all cancers. 
Bone cancers are more common in children and younger adults than in older people. 
Cancer found in the bones of an older adult usually has spread to the bone after originating from another location in the body.
Bone tumors may be classified as "primary tumors", which originate in bone or from bone-derived cells and tissues, and "secondary tumors" which originate in other sites and spread (metastasize) to the skeleton. 
Carcinomas of the prostate, breasts, lungs, thyroid, and kidneys are the carcinomas that most commonly metastasize to bone. 
Secondary malignant bone tumors are estimated to be 50 to 100 times as common as primary bone cancers.
Stage 1A bone cancer
Stage 1B bone cancer
Stage 2A bone cancer
Stage 2B bone cancer
Stage 3 bone cancer

Den uppmärksamme noterar att det är andra forskningsrapporten IBF får publicerad på kort tid.

Nedanstående text framkommer vid sökning på aktuell rapport.
DH imaging was performed on hBM-MSC samples at different stage of osteo-differentiation by means of a HoloMonitor M3 microscope (PhaseHolographic Imaging, Lund, Sweden). 
The M3 microscope provides ...

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