söndag 9 juli 2017

Bland de utvaldas skara, del 1

I nya numret av Cancer Research som ges ut av American Association of Cancer Research (AACR)
har redaktionen valt ut ett antal forskningsrapporter och posters från AACR Annual Meeting 2017 ,kongressen i April månad som samlade ett urval av världens forskarelit beträffande cancerforskning.
Ur presentationen:
The AACR Annual Meeting highlights the best cancer science and medicine from institutions all over the world. Attendees are invited to stretch their boundaries, form collaborations, attend sessions outside their own areas of expertise, and learn how to apply exciting new concepts, tools, and techniques to their own research.

Cancer Research har av de över 500 framträdanden / studier som presenterades på konferensen valt ut de med förmodat högst läsarintresse/dignitet och gett dessa utrymme i tidningen.
( PHI var representerade med 3 studier på konferensen och dessa hittar man här. )

             2 av dessa valdes ut att finnas med i senaste numret !

Först har vi
Ed Luther, Livia Mendes, Jiayi Pan, Elena Holden and Vladimir Torchilin

Development of a 4-sample version of the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test for evaluating the temporal physiology of cells treated with test compounds in a label-free, high content, platform for quantitative analysis of adherent cell-culture models

Studien finns även publicerad på PHI,s hemsida och hittas här.
Ur den klistrar jag in slutsatserna:
  • Recently, the HoloMonitorM4 holographic quantitative imaging system has become available as a label free alternative to fluorescence analysis in high content cellular analysis.
  •  The system allows for long term imaging of multiple samples.
  • We developed 4-dimensional imaging plots of holographic imagesover time toassist in the visualization of the effects of pharmaceutical compounds under development.
  •  We found that we could use the same analytical techniques that we were implementing in our fluorescence based analyses, including a modified Kolmogorov Smirnov 2 sample being used as a comparator.
  •  We developed extended functionalities for the comparative K.S. tests to allow tracking the changes in cellular populations over long periods of time.

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