tisdag 28 november 2017

HoloMonitor + Kinesiska forskare = Lyckad kombo

Jag lovade att återkomma angående en nyligen publicerad forskningsrapport från kinesiska forskare.
Det rör sig alltså om 7 forskare från Beijing Advanced Innovation Center for Food Nutrition and Human Health,College of Food Science & Nutritional Engineering, China Agricultural University, Beijing Laboratory for Food Quality and Safety, Beijing.
                                                                   China Agricultural University 
                                                                hittar vi på PHI,s hemsida Users.

Universitet är ett av Kinas största och presenteras enligt följande:
China Agricultural University (CAU) is a university in BeijingPeople's Republic of China specializing in agriculturebiologyengineeringveterinarymedicineeconomicsmanagementhumanities and social science
It was formed in 1905 through the merger of the Beijing Agricultural University and the Beijing Agricultural Engineering University. 
At present there are around 12,500 undergraduate and 7,000 graduate students in the university.
CAU is designated as part of both Project 985, to create world class universities in China, and Project 211, to raise the research standards of universities.

                                              Rapporten publicerades på Natures sida Scientific Reports

Zinc enhances the cellular energy supply to improve cell motility and restore impaired energetic metabolism in a toxic environment induced by OTA

Exogenous nutrient elements modulate the energetic metabolism responses that are prerequisites for cellular homeostasis and metabolic physiology. 
Although zinc is important in oxidative stress and cytoprotection processes, its role in the regulation of energetic metabolism remains largely unknown. 
In this study, we found that zinc stimulated aspect in cell motility and was essential in restoring the Ochratoxin A (OTA)-induced energetic metabolism damage in HEK293 cells. 
Moreover, using zinc supplementation and zinc deficiency models, we observed that zinc is conducive to mitochondrial pyruvate transport, oxidative phosphorylation, carbohydrate metabolism, lipid metabolism and ultimate energy metabolism in both normal and toxic-induced oxidative stress conditions in vitro, and it plays an important role in restoring impaired energetic metabolism. 
This zinc-mediated energetic metabolism regulation could also be helpful for DNA maintenance, cytoprotection and hereditary cancer traceability
Therefore, zinc can widely adjust energetic metabolism and is essential in restoring the impaired energetic metabolism of cellular physiology.

Material and Methods
Phase Holographic Imaging
Cells were seeded in a 6-well plate at 37 °C in 5% CO2, 95% humidity and shielded from light. The HoloMonitorTM M3 digital holographic microscope (Phase Holographic Imaging AB, Lund, Sweden) records 3D information of cells using the hologram × 20 lens, and interfering wave fronts were induced by the exposure to a 0.8 mW HeNe laser (633 nm). The hologram can be displayed showing either the phase or amplitude information of the light wave. The motility refers to how far the cells have moved from their starting point at the beginning of the analysis until the current time point. The motility speed is the total cell movement per hour. The migration is the shortest distance between the starting point of the cell analysis and the current point. Image were analyzed in the HoloStudioTM software, according to the instrument manual.

Statistical analysis

All data are shown as averages ± standard deviation of the three single experiments. In the phase holographic imaging assays, at least 12 cells per treatment were used for the calculation. The data from the different treatments were subjected to a one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA), and the means were compared using Duncan’s multiple range test. The differences were considered significant for p-values less than 0.05.
The motion performance of zinc supplementation in HEK293 cells in normal and toxic environments. 
The holographic imaging records, based on interfering wave fronts from a laser of HEK-293 cells (2 × 105), plated in culture media containing 10% FBS, 100 U/mL penicillin, 100 μg/mL streptomycin, 250 ng/mL amphotericin , 2 mM L-glutamine, and 1% MEM nonessential amino acids.
The motion performance of  the motion distance, the cell motility,  the cell migration, the cell volume changes, the motility speed and the cell area changes were analyzed using the HoloStudioTM software.

Min kommentar
Ännu en rapport som med hjälp av PHI,s teknik får fram nya fakta som kommer ha betydelse för bland annat cancerforskningen. Man får lov att säga att kinesiska forskare verkligen anammat Holotekniken och hittar alltfler forskningsområden att använda den inom. 
Jag får anledning till att återkomma till min spekulation angående det Kinesiska pusslet.

1 kommentar:

  1. https://aibn.uq.edu.au/article/2017/11/queensland-scientist-researching-rare-childhood-disease-oxford
