söndag 5 augusti 2018

HoloMonitor i ny forskning

Japanska forskare har fått studier kring blodets förmåga till koagulering vid insättning av kroppsfrämmande föremål godkända. I detta fall handlar studien om tandimplantat.
Jag förmodar att forskningen berör stamceller och deras förmåga som stöd i läkningsprocessen.
Forskarnas rön har blivit publicerade i Springerkoncernens International Journal of Implant Dentistry.

Studien blev godkänd för publicering i förra veckan onsdag i ovanstående publikation.
Man beskriver sin gärning enligt följande:
The International Journal of Implant Dentistry  is a peer-reviewed open access journal published under the SpringerOpen brand.
The journal is dedicated to promoting the exchange and discussion of all research areas relevant to implant dentistry in the form of systematic literature or invited reviews, prospective and retrospective clinical studies, clinical case reports, basic laboratory and animal research, and articles on material research and engineering.
Forskningsrapporten heter

Direct activation of platelets by addition of CaCl2 leads coagulation of platelet-rich plasma

Received: 13 March 2018, Accepted: 11 May 2018, Published:

Och ur den väljer jag att enbart ta med HoloMonitor relaterat.

Quantitative assessment of cell morphology by digital holographic microscopy (DHM)

As described in the section on SEM examination of platelets in cell culture dishes, washed platelets were treated with 0.1% Ca in sample tubes and plated in cell culture dishes (or in flasks) where they were incubated for the last 5 min of treatment. After fixation with 2.5% neutralized glutaraldehyde, the platelets were washed with PBS and stored in PBS until DHM examination.
Imaging by DHM (HoloMonitor M4; Phase Holographic Imaging AB, Lund, Sweden) was performed as described elsewhere [12]. 
The data were analyzed using specialized software, HoloStudio M4 (Phase Holographic Imaging AB)
For surface roughness and area analysis, after a series of images were captured, the grayscale images were converted to the black-and-white format by the Otsu method, and the cell identification and segmentation in the images were adjusted either automatically or manually.
Based on the accumulated data on the cell refractive index, the average refractive index for cultured monolayer cells was fixed at 1.38 (Phase Holographic Imaging AB, personal communication). This value was applied to platelets. The refractive index of the surrounding medium is 1.34 and should not excessively deviate (± 0.08) from the cell refractive index.
On the basis of our preliminary data, we focused on the parameters related to the cell area and roughness and examined at least 4000–8000 platelets in each platelet population.

Fig. 2
DHM examination of changes in attachment area, optical thickness, and surface roughness of Ca2+-simulated platelets. Washed platelets were treated with 0.1% CaCl2 for 15 min (b, d) on culture flasks, fixed, and subjected to DHM examination. Control was no treatment at 2 min (a, c). Each platelet was plotted in the scatter plots of “Area vs. Thickness” (a, b) or “Roughness vs. Thickness”. Similar results were obtained from samples of two other donors

2 kommentarer:

  1. Roligt! Tack för infon.

    Verkar inte vara från något universitet bland de som är listade som kunder/användare vilket jag tycker är roligt, då vet man att det sålts fler...
    Bioscience Medical Research Center, Niigata University Medical and Dental Hospital, Niigata, Japan”

  2. Najs :) Hoppas det kommer igång nu på bred front.
