"LABVOLUTION is Europe's flagship fair for innovative lab equipment and laboratory workflow optimization, and the 2019 showcase is coming up fast. LABVOLUTION 2019 will be themed "The Integrated Lab", signaling the show's strong focus on the connectivity megatrend."
This choice of lead theme heightens the show's profile as an event with a sharp eye on the future.
As well as covering all the current issues and challenges in lab technology, BIOTECHNICA is always looking beyond the horizon to the next stages of evolution and revolution in the lab world.
Hence its central focus on digitization and integration as drivers of transformation in the laboratory technology industry.
Needless to say, integration is a major buzzword everywhere at the moment – in business, science, government and society generally. And a lot of thought has gone into its selection as the lead theme, because it encapsulates so many interrelated developments currently at play in the lab sector.
"The Integrated Lab" theme encompasses the digitization of processes, the integration of new technologies, the interconnection of components, the collection and use of data, collaboration between humans and machines (think: automation and robotics), and connectivity between people in the lab, among research centers and groups, across boundaries between providers and markets and between research and industry.
Digitization is opening up a new world of possibilities and opportunities for working decentrally while remaining globally connected.
En stående punkt på mässan är interaktion mellan forskare och industri. Benämnd smartLab som ska visa hur ett framtidens labb kan se ut.
Björn Thümler, Minister for Science and Culture for the German State of Lower Saxony:
"smartLAB aims to demonstrate visions and solutions, and how the laboratory environment is going to change in the era of digitization and industry 4.0. The digital transformation is going to create a whole new employment environment, opening up possibilities for new value chains, new areas of application and new process flows. The combination of our existing expertise and the future potential of digitalization gives Germany the opportunity to maintain a position right at the head of the field, particularly in our traditionally strong sectors, such as mechanical engineering and the chemical industry. smartLAB is an outstanding vehicle for showcasing and providing a live experience of the opportunities created by digitization."Man sammanfattade årets mässa enligt följande:
Three major trends – automation, digitization and big data – featured prominently throughout the show, as reflected by a proliferation of robots and monitors at exhibitors' stands. "When it comes to the future of the lab industry, it was readily apparent that connectivity and automation are now at the very top of the agenda," remarked Dr. Andreas Gruchow, member of the Managing Board at Deutsche Messe. "The name of the game here is saving time, making things less error-prone, improving the quality of products and services and easing the workload for laboratory staff.
The technology and automation solutions needed to accomplish all this are available today."
Min kommentar
Som bloggen förstår det är trenden att kunna sköta mycket digitalt i labbmiljön.
Allt från att koppla upp mikroskop till datorer och där både göra sina studier samt kunna exportera/sända dessa fakta direkt vidare digitalt till andra forskare världen över,men även möjlighet att sända dessa studier/utvalda delar till läkemedelsindustrin.
Att automatisera användandet av mikroskopen och nödvändiga reagenser med hjälp av robotteknik styrd digitalt (via datorer).
Sen att knäcka gåtan med all information den digitala tekniken medger, Big Data.
Jag vet inte vad ni läsare får för bild av framtidens labb, men undertecknad ser den centrala punkten i detta : Digital Mikroskopi. Morgondagens vinnare är företag som tillverkar och levererar mikroskop kopplade till datorer för labbjobb likväl som att snabbt kunna kommunicera ut resultat.
Med befintlig/kommande mjukvara som ex AI knäcker man även nöten att få ut all Big Data ur tekniken.
Dr. Andreas Gruchow nämner oxå 2 viktiga aspekter till : saving time & easing the workload for laboratory staff.
Allt ovanstående definierar PHI`s HoloMonitor.
Vi har 2 amerikanska bjässar som förmodligen gjort samma trendresearch och kommit till samma slutsats.Framtidens labb kommer baseras på digital teknik.
Måtte VD med rådgivare vara tuffa vid förhandlingsbordet,de sitter med mycket bra kort på hand.
Mvh the99
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