onsdag 16 oktober 2019

Skördeperiod framför oss

Bloggen gör några noteringar utifrån Bolagets hemsida.Först ser jag att man lagt in de senaste forskningsrapporterna undertecknad serverat er läsare tidigare med.Det är bra,det visar branschens andra aktörer (ink bjässarna) att HoloMonitor växer i tillförlitlighet hos forskarna.
Menas med att instrumentet når den grad att anses tillföra värde för de forskare som använt sig av HoloMonitor. Värde i egenskaper av : snabbare resultat, nya användningsområden, nya insikter....osv.
Dessa värden ökar tillförlitlighet,att forskare ser andra forskare lyckas med sina studier vid användande av HoloMonitor. Det i sin tur bygger marknadsacceptansen starkare vilket manifisteras (synliggörs tydligt) via alltfler publicerade forskningsrapporter. Vilka helst ska synas på Bolagets hemsida och i andra av dem använda kanaler.Att bloggen visar upp nyuppgrävda studier glädjer enbart aktieägare som förstår deras värde,men undertecknad gör sig inga illusioner av att tro att bjässarna håller koll på bloggen och ser dem.Däremot kanske Bolaget nån gång emellanåt kikar in här och ser en ny forskningsrapport och på så sätt snabbare får vetskap om den för att sen synliggöras i deras egna kanaler. Bloggen kan inte nog understryka hur viktiga och värdefulla dessa forskningsrapporter är,framförallt för ett relativt nytt uppstickarföretag.

Sen kan noteras att "kompisen" BioSpherix vaknat till liv (nåja).Texten berättar en hel del mellan raderna.Mer om det i mina kommentarer.
Vi kan även förstå att allting tar längre tid än vi ivriga intressenter vill tro. Undertecknad tillhör denna skara som hade hoppats få se resultat av samarbetet i mer försäljningskonkret kontext redan igår.

Growing & Analyzing Cells at their Best

Environment Control & Cell-friendly Monitoring is the Key

BioSpherix and Phase Holographic Imaging (PHI) have teamed up to support researchers in their ambition to grow and analyze cells in a cell-friendly environment, without cell disturbing factors like labels, stains and temperature fluctuations.
PHI has developed HoloMonitor M4, a live-cell imaging technology which allows label-free and non-invasive cell analysis. BioSpherix has developed Xvivo system® which ensures a controlled, isolated and contaminant-free environment for cell culture. With the cell’s wellbeing at the top of the mind, the cooperation has created a cell-friendly environment where cells can be analyzed, monitored and filmed under optimal conditions.
The first collaborative results were already presented with posters at the Annual Meeting for the Society of Toxicity in Baltimore and at the Annual meeting for American Association of Cancer Research earlier this year. We showed that controlled temperature conditions during cell plating reduce the troubling edge effect in 96-well plates. Overcoming this problem will have enormous impact on time and resources for cell-based toxicity assay setups.
We are excited about collaborating with PHI. The combination of our Cytocentric technology with PHI’s HoloMonitor technology provides the ability to monitor cells label-free in full-time physiologically relevant oxygen conditions. This opens the way to more physiologically relevant results for biomedical sciences

Dr Alicia Henn

“I went to Parish in July 2018 to visit Dr Alicia Henn, CSO at Biospherix, and her team”, says Kersti Alm, Head of Biology at PHI. “We put HoloMonitor into an Xvivo system isolator. Then we all excitedly waited to see how HoloMonitor affected the controlled environment of the Xvivo. HoloMonitor didn’t have any adverse effects on either particles, temperature or anything. That’s really amazing”.
Kersti Alm
BioSpherix® has worked with many cell researchers and scientists to uncover the benefits of culturing and processing cells in a physiologic environment. The need led to the creation of the Xvivo System® platform, allowing entire protocols to be run sterile, controlled, and optimized with the cell’s need in focus. The Xvivo System® is the first Cytocentric® isolator. The modular design can handle any cell production process – small or large, simple or complex, manual or automated.
PHI can provide researchers with a cell friendly as well as fast and easy-to-use live-cell imaging tool. The HoloMonitor enables label-free and kinetic live-cell studies during optimal physiological conditions – by being placed right inside your incubator. The cooperation with BioSpherix contributes towards a more relevant environment for cell research with the well-being of the cells in focus.
By using the Xvivo System to completely control cell conditions and HoloMonitor to visualize and quantify the effects on cells, we see this collaboration as the perfect combination of technologies to answer many long-standing questions in cell biology.

Dr Alicia Henn

In the Xvivo systems, levels of oxygen and CO2 as well as humidity and temperature, can be regulated and monitored in detail. As the systems are isolated towards the external environment, they allow for a fully controlled environment during cell handling and incubation. Importantly, HoloMonitor did not affect the regulated conditions while being placed inside of the system. Even very close monitoring could not reveal any adverse effects on the environment in the Xvivo.
The first study completed through this cooperation concerned the known edge effect problems when seeding micro plates. It is a classical problem caused by the liquid dynamics when liquids of different temperatures are mixed together. It causes cells to settle at the edges of the wells rather than being homogenously distributed. The poster* showed both with images and quantitative data from HoloMonitor that different temperature combinations caused different degrees of edge effect. Most importantly, using the temperature-controlled environment of the Xvivo system®, edge effect was minimized. The cells settled randomly and well distributed over the well which is a relevant factor for setting up cell-based toxicity assays.
Using a cell-friendly and regulated cell environment is key for successful experiments. Excluding the edge wells from an assay setup and filling them with buffer to tackle the edge effect problem, is not only causing a great loss in usable assay space, but also wasting materials and money. Instead, focus on what matters: your cells.
Dr Alicia Henn, working with HoloMonitor placed in an Xvivo System isolator.

Min kommentar
Som rubriken på detta inlägg heter :Skördeperiod framför oss. Bloggen tror inte att det är någon slump att PHI  berättar om samarbetet med BioSpherix i detta nu. Från texten får vi värdefull info :
- With the cell’s wellbeing at the top of the mind, the cooperation has created a cell-friendly environment where cells can be analyzed, monitored and filmed under optimal conditions.
- We showed that controlled temperature conditions during cell plating reduce the troubling edge effect in 96-well plates. 
Overcoming this problem will have enormous impact on time and resources for cell-based toxicity assay setups.
- PHI can provide researchers with a cell friendly as well as fast and easy-to-use live-cell imaging tool. 
The HoloMonitor enables label-free and kinetic live-cell studies during optimal physiological conditions – by being placed right inside your incubator. The cooperation with BioSpherix contributes towards a more relevant environment for cell research with the well-being of the cells in focus.
- By using the Xvivo System to completely control cell conditions and HoloMonitor to visualize and quantify the effects on cells, we see this collaboration as the perfect combination of technologies to answer many long-standing questions in cell biology.
- Using a cell-friendly and regulated cell environment is key for successful experiments. Excluding the edge wells from an assay setup and filling them with buffer to tackle the edge effect problem, is not only causing a great loss in usable assay space, but also wasting materials and money.

Denna text lägger jag samman med det gräv jag har förberett och börjat läsa in mig på,nämligen Live Cell Imaging (LCI).Som de flesta av er vet scannar undertecknad av nätet regelbundet, inte bara PHI-relaterat utan även vad forskningen i stort ser som kommande värdefull info att lägga till dagens.
Jag tänker på cancerforskning av naturliga skäl då jag vill vara uppdaterad av de senaste rönen och vad forskarna ser som möjligheter till framsteg för cancerdrabbade.
I flödet av information skrivs det bland annat att intresset för LCI ökar bland forskarna.Man börjar se ett värde att tillföra befintlig forskning.Detta ämne hade undertecknad tänkt att gräva mer om och sen göra en sammanfattning.Att då PHI kommer ut med BioSpherix-info i samma veva känns som att ämnet onekligen är hett. Håll ögonen öppna inför bloggens nästa gräv, LCI. Det kommer bli riktigt läsvärt tippar undertecknad.

                                              Mvh the99

1 kommentar:

  1. En annan nyhet som jag tycker är helt fantastisk! :
    HoloMonitor vann en upphandling bestående av ytterligare tre instrument
    - Incucyte (Sartorius)
    - Paula (Danaher, Leica Microsystems)
    - Celena (Logos Biosystems)
    Denna info från presentation på årsstämman 2018/2019 var ny för mig, jag har tidigare läst annan publicerad information att inköpet inte var konkurrensutsatt med motiveringen "𝘛𝘩𝘦 𝘳𝘢𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘯𝘢𝘭𝘦 𝘧𝘰𝘳 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘣𝘳𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘯𝘢𝘮𝘦 𝘫𝘶𝘴𝘵𝘪𝘧𝘪𝘤𝘢𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘯 𝘪𝘴 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘶𝘯𝘪𝘲𝘶𝘦 𝘤𝘢𝘱𝘢𝘣𝘪𝘭𝘪𝘵𝘪𝘦𝘴 𝘰𝘧 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘳𝘦𝘲𝘶𝘦𝘴𝘵𝘦𝘥 𝘱𝘳𝘰𝘥𝘶𝘤𝘵."

    (Kul att Sartorius är en av förlorarna! Deras IncuCyte som de köpte för $320 Mkr fick visst stryk av superba Holomonitor!)
