söndag 8 december 2019

HoloMonitor med i utvald publicering

I det vetenskapliga organet International Journal of Cancer (IJC)

med utgåva nr 12, 15 December 2019 kommer världens samlade kår av cancerforskare få läsa en artikel av 17 israeliska forskare med ämnesområde Medulloblastoma. En riktigt jäv....form av hjärncancer som drabbar barn.

IJC ser ut att vara navet bland forskningsartiklar för världens samlade kår av cancerforskare, med över 4000 inskickade forskningsartiklar årligen. 
"The International Journal of Cancer (IJC) is the official journal of the Union for International Cancer Control (UICC). IJC has a global readership and receives over 4,000 submissions a year under a broad scope of topics relevant to experimental and clinical cancer research."
Ur dessa 4000 artiklar väljer man ut de som anses hålla en extra hög nivå och/eller innehåll som man i speciella utgåvor vill visa upp för världens alla cancerforskare.
Nu i December kommer årets sista utgåva innehålla 25 utvalda forskningsartiklar som når upp till dessa kriterier.

Bland dessa artiklar kommer som sagt israelernas forskning kring Medulloblastoma publiceras.
Studien offentligjordes 13 Maj 2019 och finns med på PHI`s sida över publikationer.
Här i denna aktuella utgåva av IJC kan ni se studien, bland de övriga 24.Bläddra neråt.

The long noncoding RNA TP73‐AS1 promotes tumorigenicity of medulloblastoma cells

Medulloblastoma is the most common malignant brain cancer in children. Since previous studies have mainly focused on alterations in the coding genome, our understanding of the contribution of long noncoding RNAs (lncRNAs) to medulloblastoma biology is just emerging. Using patient‐derived data, we show that the promoter of lncRNA TP73‐AS1 is hypomethylated and that the transcript is highly expressed in the SHH subgroup. Furthermore, high expression of TP73‐AS1 is correlated with poor outcome in patients with TP53 wild‐type SHH tumors. Silencing TP73‐AS1 in medulloblastoma tumor cells induced apoptosis, while proliferation and migration were inhibited in culture. In vivo, silencing TP73‐AS1 in medulloblastoma tumor cells resulted in reduced tumor growth, reduced proliferation of tumor cells, increased apoptosis and led to prolonged survival of tumor‐bearing mice. Together, our study suggests that the lncRNA TP73‐AS1 is a prognostic marker and therapeutic target in medulloblastoma tumors and serves as a proof of concept that lncRNAs are important factors in the disease.

Från PHI`s sida snor jag beskrivningen :

M. Varon with co-authors focused their research on medulloblastoma - the most common malignant brain cancer in children.
Authors have studied what functions a long noncoding RNA, specifically TP73-AS1, perform.
In this study, results show that the high expression of TP73-AS1 can be associated with poor outcome in some patients.
Furthermore, silencing on TP73-AS1 in tumor cells induce cell apoptosis and reduce cell proliferation and motility rates in vitro, and prolonged sur.vival of tumor bearing mice in vivo.
Authors have employed HoloMonitor M4 to evaluate TP73-AS1 effect on cell motility and showed that it promotes migration of tumor cells, DAOY and UW288.2

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