torsdag 2 januari 2020

2020 - Årtiondets viktigaste landvinningar

Ur en nyligen publicerad rapport från det amerikanska statliga organet National Institutes of  Health graderar man detta årtiondes viktigaste tekniker som kommer ha betydelse för mänsklighetens sjukvårdbefrämjande åtgärder.

I den 10-gradiga listan hamnar singel cell analys högst upp.

Det område PHI via sitt HoloMonitor system är så ypperligt att använda inom.

The Single-Cell Analysis Revolution

Lund, January 2, 2020
Single-cell analysis aided by super­computing and artificial intel­ligence is set to revolutionize biomedical research over the next decade.
In the recently published Global Innovation Index report, the director of National Institutes of Health (NIH), Francis Collins, sets single-cell analysis as the cutting-edge technology that is most likely to revolutionize healthcare over the next decade, outranking high-profile innovations such as regenerative medicine, immunotherapy and gene therapy.
The inability to study and quantify a large number of cells individually has long been a standing problem for medical science. As Prof. Collins points out, this is now rapidly changing:

“Yet, during the long history of biomedical research, scientists have not possessed the technical ability to study individual cells in their normal environment. Instead, they have had to be content with low-resolution technologies that could only analyze millions, or maybe even billions, of cells as a group. With a variety of new technologies invented in the last few years, especially to ascertain (swe: fast­ställa) what genes are turned on or off in an individual cell, this is all changing.”
Francis Collins, Director of the National Institutes of Health (NIH)
Contrary to what has been possible in the past, novel single-cell analysis tech­niques like HoloMonitor allow scientists to single out specific cells in their normal environment and gently study their individual behavior. Single-cell analysis techniques together with modern data pro­cessing promise to change our under­standing of autoimmune diseases and how to combat the deadly process of cancer metastasis, in which a few malignant (swe: elakartade) tumor cells fatally colonize vital organs.
Since their invention, supercomputers have helped meteorologists to understand the complexities of our atmos­phere and weather. The accepted capabilities of single-cell analysis techniques, super­computing and artificial intel­ligence have evolved to a point where they are ready to help cell biologists untangle the even greater complexities of multicellular organisms — containing trillions of interacting and highly complex cells.
After all, big data supercomputing and artificial intelligence owe its recent success to cell biology, as modern artificial intelligence is based on computer models of how brain cells are believed to communicate.*
Deep Learning for Biology, Nature (2018)
Peter Egelberg
CEO and founder

Ur 10-i-topp listan :

10 ways medical innovation will transform our lives over the next decade

Emerging technologies look set to transform the healthcare industry. In this year's Global Innovation Index, Francis Collins, Director of the National Institutes of Health (NIH), explores some of the innovations that could have the biggest impact in the next decade. Here's a summary of those findings from the report. 

Every day, medical innovations lengthen and improve lives across the globe. Over the course of the next decade, as twenty-first century technologies combine and accelerate, healthcare is set for a revolution.

The Global Innovation Index 2019 (GII), a report from the World Intellectual Property Organization and its research partners Cornell University and INSEAD, identifies five global trends driving this transformation: broadband access, developments in artificial intelligence and the human genome, changing business models, and the rise of consumerism.

These trends are leading to breakthroughs across a range of medical frontiers. For this year’s GII, the NIH identified 10 of the cutting-edge emerging technologies most likely to revolutionize healthcare over the next decade.

Here’s a closer look at the technologies that made the list:

1. Single cell analysis
Likely to be one of the first of the 10 breakthroughs to come to fruition, single-cell analysis will allow scientists to study individual cells in their normal environment for the first time. The ability to determine which genes are turned on or off in individual cells, and to decode how immune cells attack healthy tissue, will transform how we approach autoimmune diseases and how we combat the deadly process of cancer metastasis.

2. Mapping the brain
The human brain remains one of science’s most daunting frontiers. The NIH’s Brain Research through Advancing Innovative Neurotechnologies (BRAIN) initiative is accelerating our understanding of this most complex and critical organ. Within a decade, researchers will have mapped the circuits responsible for motor function, vision, memory and emotion. This will lead to new approaches to a raft of neurological disorders including autism, epilepsy, brain injuries, schizophrenia, Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s and spinal cord injuries.

3. Alzheimer’s Disease
Aided by new imaging techniques developed and optimized by the BRAIN Initiative, NIH research indicates that within a decade we will be able to identify individuals at high risk of Alzheimer’s before symptoms even appear. Early interventions will slow or change the course of the disease, providing profound human and economic benefits.
4. Spinal cord injuries
A decade from now we will have developed effective treatments for spinal cord injuries. Already, ground-breaking research supported by NIH has enabled several young men paralyzed from the waist down to move their legs through the use of surgically implanted electrical stimulators that bypass the severed spinal cord. Soon, many of the millions of people worldwide coping with spinal cord damage could be given back freedom of movement.

5. Pain management
Chronic pain is a serious and costly public health problem affecting tens of millions of people worldwide. Unfortunately, current treatments can be addictive, leading to tragic outcomes. The NIH recently launched the Helping to End Addiction Long-Term (HEAL) initiative, harnessing genomics, neuroscience and structural biology to uncover entirely new targets for treating chronic pain.

6. Regenerative medicine
This exciting field of research looks at ways of replacing or regenerating human tissues and organs when they are damaged. Methods range from stimulating the body’s own repair mechanisms, to growing tissues and organs in the laboratory. In a decade, regenerative medicine could change the course of chronic diseases like diabetes, and eliminate the problems associated with tissue and organ transplants, including sourcing, waiting lists, tissue rejection and the need for anti-rejection drugs.

7. Cancer immunotherapy
This radical new approach enlists the cancer patient’s immune system, with one promising strategy involving collecting immune cells and engineering them to produce special cancer-fighting warriors, called chimeric antigen receptors. This work has already saved the lives of adults and children with untreatable blood cancers, and sights are set on tougher targets including breast, prostate, colon, ovarian and pancreatic cancer.

8. New vaccines
In the next 10 years, important strides will be made in preventing HIV, flu and other infectious diseases. NIH is funding research into a universal flu vaccine that will provide long-lasting protection against a wide range of flu strains. This will prepare us for the next overdue worldwide pandemic, potentially saving millions of lives.

9. Gene editing to cure disease
Scientists have identified the molecular causes of nearly 6,500 human diseases, yet treatments currently exist for only about 500 (see chart below). By 2030, science will have begun to realize the promise of genetic technologies to treat and cure diseases that once seemed out of reach. Gene editing tools like Clustered Regularly Interspaced Short Palindromic Repeats (CRISPR-Cas) allow the correction of gene mutations – with a cure for sickle cell disease being one of its first targets.
10. Precision medicine
Our physiological processes are unique, and in 10 years, medicine will have begun to reflect that reality with diagnosis, treatments and healthcare delivery tailored to each individual. In the US, the NIH-led All of Us Research Program is recruiting 1 million volunteers to pioneer the merging and analysis of wide-ranging data that will help ensure that people from all walks of life, all around the world, will be healthier than ever.


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2020 är årtiondet då HoloMonitor förhoppningsvis kommer vara central för utvecklingen av nya metoder,mediciner till gagn för de svårt sjuka.

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