onsdag 1 april 2020

Oxford bjuder på filmvisning

Oxfordbaserade Volodymur Nechyporuk-Zloy gör bra PR för PHI genom att visa upp helt ny sekvens som visar en anmärkningsbart avvikande celldelning.

abberant cell division
5 visningar 31 mars 2020

Följt av en entusiastisk kommentar:
- Get to understand your cellular dynamics! 
The HoloMonitor time-lapse cytometer is ideal for long-term imaging and analysis of living cells by means of time-lapse micro­scopy. You acquire a series of cell images at regular time intervals to analyze the dynamics of various cellular events. Never miss a fascinating moment like this aberrant cell division. Find our more about label-free long-term imaging and analysis here https://phiab.com/holomonitor/technol... #phiab #holomonitor #labelfree #livecellimaging #nevermissout #cells #celldivision #microscopy #singlecellanalysis

                                Thank you Oxford !

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