I studien beskriver man tekniken som HoloMonitor bygger på kunna vara ett framtida kraftfullt diagnosverktyg.
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De inleder med att berätta att dagens system för att försöka hitta bröstcancerceller med profil/risk att vandra vidare ut i kroppen från huvudtumören i bröst är att använda en markör kallad EpCAM som står för Epithelial cell adhesion molecule.
Cancerceller med profil/risk att metastasera och skapa nya tumörer kallas Cirkulating Tumor Cells,förkortat CTC.
EpCAM-markören fungerar så att den identifierar de vanligaste attributen hos CTC.
Men den är inte 100%-ig då den inte känner igen riktigt aggresiva CTC med annan karaktistik än de vanliga.
Det beskrivet i detta stycke :
- The most common marker for CTCs that is used today is the epithelial cell adhesion molecule (EpCAM), but for some malignancies such as aggressive breast cancer metastases that are often of non-epithelial origin or have transitioned through EMT, the EpCAM detection method is not useful. This highlights the need for more reliable CTC markers. The adhesion receptor CD44 and EpCAM function together in preparing the pre-metastatic niche, while CD45 is a leukocyte marker that is exclusively expressed on all nucleated cells of the hematopoietic system. The absence of CD45 on epithelial cells emphasizes the fact that it is an appropriate cell surface marker for distinguishing between CTCs and hematopoietic cells.
Discrimination between Breast Cancer Cells and White Blood Cells by Non-Invasive Measurements: Implications for a Novel In Vitro-Based Circulating Tumor Cell Model Using Digital Holographic Cytometry
Published: 15 July 2020Abstract
Breast cancer is the second most common cancer worldwide. Metastasis is
the main reason for death in breast cancer, and today, there is a lack
of methods to detect and isolate circulating tumor cells (CTCs), mainly
due to their heterogeneity and rarity. There are some systems that are
designed to detect rare epithelial cancer cells in whole blood based on
the most common marker used today, the epithelial cell adhesion molecule
(EpCAM). It has been shown that aggressive breast cancer metastases are
of non-epithelial origin and are therefore not always detected using
EpCAM as a marker. In the present study, we used an in vitro-based
circulating tumor cell model comprising a collection of six breast
cancer cell lines and white blood cell lines. We used digital
holographic cytometry (DHC) to characterize and distinguish between the
different cell types by area, volume and thickness. Here, we present
significant differences in cell size-related parameters observed when
comparing white blood cells and breast cancer cells by using DHC.
conclusion, DHC can be a powerful diagnostic tool for the
characterization of CTCs in the blood.
breast cancer; cell area; cell thickness; cell volume; circulating tumor cell; CD45; digital holographic cytometry; EpCAM
1. Introduction
Breast cancer is the leading cause of cancer deaths among women worldwide.
Breast cancer metastasis accounts for the majority of deaths from
breast cancer. The detection of metastases at the earliest stage is
important for the management and estimation of breast cancer progression.
Breast cancer treatments today are based on the absence or presence of
the hormone estrogen receptor (ER), the progesterone receptor (PR) and
the expression of human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 (HER2).
A tumor with the absence of all of these three receptors, also called
triple negative breast cancer, is an aggressive form of breast cancer
with a high risk of relapse and metastasis, and is associated with a
poor clinical outcome.
cells may undergo epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition (EMT), allowing
the cells to gain new abilities to cross the extracellular matrix,
migrate and become circulating cells.
The presence of circulating tumor cells (CTC) in patients with metastatic breast cancer is indicative of poor prognosis. The survival rate of women with breast cancer is highly dependent on the absence of metastatic cells and the tumor grade.
most common marker for CTCs that is used today is the epithelial cell
adhesion molecule (EpCAM), but for some malignancies such as aggressive
breast cancer metastases that are often of non-epithelial origin or have
transitioned through EMT, the EpCAM detection method is not useful.
This highlights the need for more reliable CTC markers. The adhesion
receptor CD44 and EpCAM function together in preparing the
pre-metastatic niche,
while CD45 is a leukocyte marker that is exclusively expressed on all
nucleated cells of the hematopoietic system. The absence of CD45 on
epithelial cells emphasizes the fact that it is an appropriate cell
surface marker for distinguishing between CTCs and hematopoietic cells.
are known to have morphological properties that distinguish them from
other circulating cells, such as a larger size than leukocytes and
different nuclear morphology. CTCs have been isolated by size, using different methods such as density gradient centrifugation and micropore filtration.
A more cell-friendly and speedy method of investigating morphological
differences would facilitate CTC research.
Digital holographic cytometry
(DHC) is a powerful tool for label-free cell observations and the
evaluation of cell morphological and dynamical parameters in vitro.
Studies using DHC include different cell types, from protozoa, bacteria
and plant cells to mammalian cells such as nerve cells, stem cells and
tumor cells.
DHC has also become popular in the diagnostic field such as for the
screening of malaria-infected red blood cells and cervical cancer.
aim of the present study was to use DHC to investigate the
morphological differences between a collection of breast cancer cell
lines and white blood cell (WBC) cancer cell lines.
The flow cytometry
analysis of the cell markers EpCAM and CD45 was used to characterize the
cell lines. We show that cell types lacking CD45 expression have
significantly larger cell area, volume and thickness than CD45+
cells without EpCAM expression.
In conclusion, DHC is a powerful
technique for discriminating cancer cells from WBCs by performing
non-invasive measurements of cell area, volume and thickness.
2. Materials and Methods (urval)
2.3. DHC and Computer Software
Cell morphology was detected and analyzed using DHC with the HoloMonitorTM M4
(Phase Holographic Imaging AB, PHIAB, Lund, Sweden).
For each analysis, 1 × 106 cells in suspension were washed twice with PBS and then 1 × 104 cells in 10 µL were added to a CountessTM cell counting chamber slide (ThermoFisher Scientific, Waltham, MA, USA). The chamber slide was placed on a HoloMonitorTM M4 inside a cell incubator to ensure stable conditions for the cells, 37 °C with 5% CO2
and 95% humidity for 10 min, during the analysis. For each cell line,
more than 10 images at different positions were acquired automatically
all over the chamber.
The image analysis was performed with the proprietary AppSuite software (Phase Holographic Imaging AB).
The HoloMonitorTM M4 was equipped with a 635 nm diode laser, which illuminated the cells at 0.2 mW/cm2 to prevent phototoxic effects on the cells.
In 2004, the CellSearch system was approved for the detection of CTCs in humans by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). This system is based on magnetic cell sorting, the expression of EpCAM and cytokeratin (CK). The system is reliable and has radically improved the detection of CTCs. However, one drawback is the inability to detect CTCs with downregulated EpCAM expression. The level of EpCAM varies in different tumor types and is known to be downregulated to increase invasiveness and metastatic potential. The CellSearch system may miss EpCAM-negative tumor cells due to the loss of EpCAM expression.
In this study, we have shown that epithelial breast cancer cells can be
discriminated from WBCs by measuring the cellular thickness, volume and
area using DHC. The investigated parameters showed significant
differences between epithelial cells and blood cells. Future
applications will include peripheral blood cells and extended
collections of epithelial cancer cells.
DHC is a powerful technique to use for the discrimination of epithelial
cancer cells and WBCs.
Upon determining the cell area, volume and
thickness, the investigated cell types with CD45 expression, the WBCs,
were shown to have significantly smaller cell areas, volumes and
thicknesses than CD45− epithelial cells either with or
without EpCAM expression.
We conclude that DHC is a convenient technique
with many possibilities for analyzing either suspension or adherent
cells, here used in a model for the in vitro analysis of CTCs.
Min kommentar
I denna studie får vi många nya fakta,som ex att man använt HoloMonitor (DHC) för att studera vita blodkroppar (WBC = White Blood Cell).Det vet jag inte om jag läst i tidigare forskningsrapporter.
Studien berättar som i ett förbiseende att Holotekniken nu blivit populär som ett diagnosverktyg för malaria och livmoderhalscancer.
- DHC has also become popular in the diagnostic field such as for the
screening of malaria-infected red blood cells and cervical cancer.
Till det konstaterandet kan vi nu lägga till att HoloMonitor enligt forskarna är att anse som ett nytt kraftfullt instrument för diagnos av aggresiv bröstcancer.
Det i sin tur adderar världens alla mammografer (stavning?) till potentiella kunder för PHI,men såklart även andra aktörer med samma grundteknik.Marknaden utvidgas mao.
Om ovanstående inte räcker för att få alla phi,are att hoppa jämfota av excitement lägger jag till att denna forskningsrapport kommer ingå i den specialutgåva jag tidigare berättat om.
Avyttrar man sina aktier efter ha läst detta inlägg kanske man ska söka sig till ett diagnosställe för att utröna om man lider av den inte så kända bokstavskombinationen JHIT (jagharintetålamod) eller/och i kombo JVIHBAPMI (jagvillintehabättreavkastningpåmininvestering).
Mvh the99
Riktigt bra!!
SvaraRaderaHej på Dig!!
SvaraRaderaSåg på börssnack att Du undrar om bakgrunden på Din blogg. Jag har blå bakgrund med siffror både i mobilen och i datorn. Tackar för det otroliga jobb Du gör och önskar Dig en fortsatt PHIn sommar!!
Tack Lazze.
RaderaHar fortfarande en helblå bakgrund utan siffror på min skärm (dator).
Ska grotta vidare med det i helgen om det inte löst sig innan.
Trevlig sommar på dig med.
Mvh the99