tisdag 5 oktober 2021

PHI`s nye partner Jellagen

Idag har PHI lagt ut en film som visar deras nya partners produkt jellagel observerad 24 H av HoloMonitor. 



Live cell imaging of HeLa cells in JellaGel™ | HoloMonitor® 
9 visningar 5 okt. 2021 

Phase Holographic Imaging 

This is a 24 hour quantitative and label-free QPI time-lapse of HeLa cells cultured in JellaGel™, captured with the HoloMonitor® live cell imaging system. The holographic 3D images created by HoloMonitor allow cell populations to be studied on a single-cell level, without requiring any labels or stains. And in addition, right inside a standard cell incubator for optimal live-cell assay conditions. 

LEARN MORE at https://phiab.com/holomonitor/

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