tisdag 15 oktober 2024

Jänkarna satsar BIG $$$ +1

Amerikanska staten har via NIH (hälsodepartementet) återigen öppnat plånboken och går in och finansierar projekt inom biomedicin. Länk

NIH to award over $207 million to support highly innovative biomedical and behavioral research projects

The 2024 NIH Director’s Awards enable exceptionally creative scientists to potentially transform biomedical science 

The National Institutes of Health’s High-Risk, High-Reward Research program awarded 67 new research grants to support highly innovative scientists who proposed visionary and broadly impactful behavioral and biomedical research projects. NIH-supported research projects include altering memory networks in the brain to improve sleep health; measuring protein function in the gut microbiome to facilitate the development of microbial therapies; investigating policies and economic conditions that impact mortality among people experiencing homelessness; and understanding the molecular and cellular processes that drive age reversal in a species of flatworms to lay the groundwork for anti-aging medicine for humans. The 67 awards (totaling approximately $207 million) are supported by the NIH Common Fund, as well as three other institutes, centers, and offices across NIH, beginning in 2024 for five years, pending the availability of funds.

Bland områdena hittas :

  • the enhancement of a cellular immunotherapy called CAR-M so that it can remove any unwanted cell or substance from the body, including cancer, drug resistant microbes and amyloid plaques.

T Cell forskning (cancer) men då med inriktning vita blodkroppar (makrofager).Därav M i CAR-M.

"The CAR macrophage cells have vital roles in the tumor microenvironment and, with their direct effect, can eliminate tumor cells efficiently. In addition, the CAR macrophage cells, due to being a part of the innate immune system, attended the tumor sites. With the high infiltration, their therapy modulations are more effective." Mer info om CAR-M hittas här.

Värt att notera är att fast CAR T varit ohyggligt framgångsrikt i cancerbehandling har denna behandlingsform inte varit nämnvärt framgångsrik vid solida cancertumörer. Forskarna har då börjat studera hur makrofager kan råda bot på det. Utöver denna finansiering av CAR-M forskning finns det kopplingar till HoloMonitor som instrument att använda vid studier på makrofagceller. Det senaste exemplet fick vi för 1 månad sen. Japanska Shibaura Institute of Technology  berättade i sin review om HoloMonitor att de använder instrumentet för just studier på makrofager.   This instrument enables us to obtain novel data that nobody knows

Application Area:

Cell statement evaluation (especially macrophage)

We usually use it without any problems and make great use of it in our research. There are few devices in the world that can acquire three-dimensional information of cells while they are alive. This device helps us to make new discoveries by capturing the characteristics of cells that have not been focused on before. To be honest, automatic tracking of migrating cells is not 100% accurate. We have reduced the density of cells, still some tracking mistakes occur. But don't worry, because the accompanying software, SINGLE CELL TRACKING, has enough tools for manual correction, and once corrected, useful data can be obtained. In this regard, we look forward to technological advances. /

Studier på makrofager bedöms öka kraftigt i kölvattnet på den framgångsvåg CAR T Cell skapat. Hittar forskarna möjligheter att programmera även makrofagceller har man skapat ett mycket effektivt sätt att behandla cancer där även solida tumörer kan has ihjäl.   Mvh the99


Passande Kvällstillägg 19:30


Data on cell movement, morphology and lineage ALL in ONE assay 😲
hashtagHoloMonitor hashtagsinglecelltracking

4 kommentarer:

  1. 🙏👍🏻👌😍

  2. Alligator Bioscience (från Lund) har Mitazalimab i fas 2 som har visat på tydlig aktivering av tumörassocierade Makrofager. De ger sig på tumörens stroma för att göra den porös och därmed mer mottaglig för en tumördödande attack. I det här fallet cellgift samt aktiverade T-celler. Sannolikt skulle Mitazalimab kunna öppna upp för en kombinationsterapi med car-T eller ADC.

    Förhoppningsvis är Alligator Bioscience användare av Holomonitor. De huserar ju bara 4 km från PHI.

  3. Kanske gammal. https://www.nature.com/articles/s41377-024-01453-x

    1. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/342413330_Quantitative_phase_imaging_trends_in_biomedical_applications
