Bloggens scoop i torsdags förra veckan att Sveriges Regering antagit en ny strategi för Svensk Life Science där fokuset kommer vara FoU ink tillhörande attribut som ex innovativ teknik som stödjande instrument för densamma får här en uppföljning. Strategin innebär en satsning riktad mot hälsoområdet där Reg Med/ATMP (cellforskning) kommer ha en särställning. Branschorganisationen ATMP Sweden,där PHI ingår, skickar idag ut kompletterande information beträffande denna historiska satsning. Länk
Sweden’s government confirms committment to ATMP
Ministers for Energy, Business and Industry, Health Care, Social Affairs, Public Health and Education present their updated life science strategy
The 7th of November the Swedish government department updated their strategy for life sciences, towards Sweden being a leading life science nation. The strategy aims to achieve excellence, long-term competitiveness and patient benefit.
Regeringen lanserar uppdaterad life science-strategi
The strategy continues to focus on ATMP and aims to create sustainable growtha and combine economic opportunity with innovative treatments to save lives. The strategy promotes tax incentives for life science, research, entrepreneurship, early and equal patient access to innovative treatments across the country. Collaboration was a strong focus of the event, with Ministers for Energy, Business and Industry, Health Care, Social Affairs, Public Health and Education presenting the strategy as a combined effort.
Notera alla departement som är inblandade. ATMP Sweden är på hugget och anordrar en infomässa för de intressenter som vill vara med på den Svenska motsvarigheten till ex ReMDO och andra organisationers satsningar.
If you are interested to learn more about the Swedish ATMP ecosystem, to meet the actors and get involved, join our Annual conference in Malmö on the 25/26th of November! ATMP Sweden 2024 Malmö! | ATMP Sweden
Förhoppningsvis har VD-Anders nu satt sig in i vad regeringens satsning kan ge för öppningar för PHI`s vidkommande. Spännande tider väntar. Mvh the99
ATMPs are Advanced Therapy Medicinal Products and include medicines based on cells, tissues or gene therapy. ATMPs aim to bring new treatment options to patients *in need, including with genetic disease, cancer, autoimmune disease and degenerative disease.
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