fredag 6 december 2024

HoloMonitor i Kanada +1

Last week Altium International Inc. (US & Canada) had the pleasure of joining Alyssa Campbell of Quorum Technologies at the SickKids Discovery Lab Expo in Toronto, Canada! It was my first time in Toronto so it was amazing to experience the warm culture (that includes a lot of poutine!), meet talented researchers, and learn about the groundbreaking work being done there. It was also exciting to showcase our Phase Holographic Imaging HoloMonitor, a label-free, live-cell 3D imaging system, and see the enthusiasm around its potential. It was definitely a great experience and I am already looking forward to my next visit. 

We are excited to announce that BioSpherix has been selected to receive a prestigious grant from the NSF Piedmont Triad RegenMed Engine, funded by the National Science Foundation (NSF). This Ecosystem Building Grant, announced on December 4, 2024, will support BioSpherix in establishing the BioSpherix "Center for Cytocentric Technology" at PTRME’s Winston-Salem facility.

The funding will play a pivotal role in advancing regenerative medicine in the Piedmont Triad region by enabling pioneering companies to address key challenges in the field. For BioSpherix, the center will leverage our cutting-edge Xvivo System®, a revolutionary technology designed to improve cell culture efficiency and reproducibility, streamline manufacturing, and facilitate the training of the next generation of talent in regenerative medicine. The BioSpherix "Center for Cytocentric Technology" will also be instrumental in enhancing the scalability of regenerative medicine manufacturing.

We are extremely proud to have been selected as a recipient of this grant and grateful to the Piedmont Triad Regenerative Medicine Engine and the National Science Foundation for this incredible opportunity!

PS. HoloMonitor trivs utmärkt i partnern BioSpherix inkubatorer.

Kul att se Patrik hålla koll på läget.
Congratulations on receiving the NSF Piedmont Triad RegenMed Engine grant, BioSpherix! It's exciting to see your cutting-edge Xvivo System® being leveraged to advance regenerative medicine in the Piedmont Triad region. I'm particularly interested in how the Center for Cytocentric Technology" will enhance the scalability of regenerative medicine manufacturing. Keep up the great work!

2 kommentarer:

  1. Känns som en riktig rivstart av nya VD. Biostockartiklar, videointervjuer m.m. lite överallt! Kolla här ett evenemang också:

    1. Intressant evenemang.
      PHI ska tydligen presenteras enligt info:

      Välkommen till "Investera som Proffsen" som vi avslutar börsåret 2024 på Hotell Anglais, Stureplan 11 december.
      Hur blir börsåret 2025? Vi har bjudit in Anders Haglund, aktieanalytiker och tradingcoach som kommer göra en övergripande analys av börsläget med fokus på USA & Sverige, samt även plocka fram några aktier som han tycker kan vara extra intressanta att titta lite närmare på under rådande börsläge.

      Temat för kvällen är "Vart är vi på väg?" som är titeln på f.d. finansminister Anders Borgs bok som du har möjlighet att vinna. En bok som kanske kan ge inspiration till kommande investeringar? Följande bolag kommer också presenteras: Hamlet BioPharma, Cantargia & Phase Holographic.
