KRIBB är kund till PHI och ståtar med 2 st HoloMonitor M4.Från PHI`s hemsida, Users :
Chemical Biology Research Center, Korea Research Inst. of Bioscience and Biotechnology (KRIBB), 2 units.
KRIBB-forskarna har ansökt om skydd (patent) för ett nytt läkemedel som begränsar metastasering* av cancertumörer.
Patentet hos WIPO PCT (PCT - The International Patent System) täcker 153 länder.
World Intellectual Property Organization, förkortat WIPO, är ett organ under FN och baserat i Genève.
Mina kemiska kunskaper begränsar mig från att ens försöka förklara de beståndsdelar (Chemical Formula) detta nya läkemedel består av.Ni får själva läsa i den 49 sidiga PDF:en hur de kommit fram till vilka ämnen i mix de lyckats utveckla till ett helt nytt cancerläkemedel.
Forskarna har använt sig av Single Cell analysis (ni börjar bli bekanta med uttrycket nu?), tekniken som kommer förändra forskningen i grunden,framförallt och speciellt för cancerforskningen.
VD uttryckte det i en kommentar i Januari i år enligt följande:
The Single-Cell Analysis Revolution
Lund, January 2, 2020Single-cell analysis aided by supercomputing and artificial intelligence is set to revolutionize biomedical research over the next decade.
“Yet, during the long history of biomedical research, scientists have not possessed the technical ability to study individual cells in their normal environment. Instead, they have had to be content with low-resolution technologies that could only analyze millions, or maybe even billions, of cells as a group. With a variety of new technologies invented in the last few years, especially to ascertain (swe: fastställa) what genes are turned on or off in an individual cell, this is all changing.”Contrary to what has been possible in the past, novel single-cell analysis techniques like HoloMonitor allow scientists to single out specific cells in their normal environment and gently study their individual behavior.
— Francis Collins, Director of the National Institutes of Health (NIH)
Single-cell analysis techniques together with modern data processing promise to change our understanding of autoimmune diseases and how to combat the deadly process of cancer metastasis*, in which a few malignant (swe: elakartade) tumor cells fatally colonize vital organs.
Nu ser vi ett första? exempel på vad tekniken tillsammans med HoloMonitor kan utföra: helt nytt läkemedel till fromma för världens cancerdrabbade.
Men tillbaka till de koreanska forskarna och innehållet i deras patentansökan.
Patentet (läkemedlet) är benämnt:
Ur resultaten klipper jag det PHI relevanta.
In addition, in another embodiment of the present invention, it was confirmed that CG-609 and CG-618 did not affect the growth of cancer cells and very strongly inhibited invasion of cancer cells at low concentrations (FIG. 8). In addition, it was confirmed that CG-618 inhibited a process of forming protrusions called lamellipodia and filopodia, one of the important processes for cancer cell migration at a cell level,and had no effect on normal cells (FIG. 9).
In addition, as a result of confirming an effect of CG-618 on the migration of single cells by using real-time cell migration imaging and analysis equipment, it was confirmed that CG-618 strongly inhibited the migration of cancer cells, but increased the migration of normal cells (FIG. 7).
Further,as a result of confirming an effect of the drug on the migration of single cells using
real-time cell migration imaging and analysis equipment, HoloMonitor M4 (Phase
Holographic Imaging), it was confirmed that the migration of cells treated with CG618 was significantly reduced, but the migration of normal cells was increased.
An effect of a drug on migration of single cells was confirmed using HoloMonitor M4 (Phase
Holographic Imaging), real-time cell migration imaging and analysis equipment.
All experiments were performed within a 37°C cell incubator to analyze cell migration while cells were alive for a long time. To prevent water vapor generated during cell imaging for a long time from obstructing the imaging, the experiment was conducted by dividing cells in an m-slide microcopy chamber (Ibidi).
In order to analyze migration of single cells, cells (2.5xl0 5 cells/mL) to be analyzed were divided
to the m-slide microscopy chamber by 0.2 mL and cultured for more than 12 hours.
The cells were sufficiently attached to its original shape and then treated with the drug,and a position to be analyzed was specified, and then the cell migration was measured in real time.
The cell migration was measured for 24 hours at five-minute intervals, and migration of 25 cells per group was analyzed.
Using the HoloMonitor tracking software, a total distance migrated by the cells during the time measured, a linear distance from the starting point to the arrival point, a rate of migration, and a direction were quantitatively analyzed, and the migration of single cells was visualized with a Wind-Rose plot (FIG. 7).
Detta första lyckade försök med Single Cell analysis tillsammans med HoloMonitor som resulterar i ett helt nytt cancerläkemedel är inte stort, det är MEGA stort.
Nu får världens alla cancerforskare ink bjässar som bedriver egen forskning och utveckling av cancermedicin bevis för det VD tillsammans med Francis Collins,vid statliga National Institutes of Health (NIH) hävdar : Single Cell Analysis är detta decennies största kommande teknik för att knäcka cancereländet. VD kallar det en kommande revolution. Francis kallar tekniken :troligtvis ett kommande genombrott till gagn för forskarna.
"Likely to be one of the first of the 10 breakthroughs to come to fruition, single-cell analysis will allow scientists to study individual cells in their normal environment for the first time." Länk
Nu kan Francis konstatera att han hade rätt.Genombrottet är här,och det tack vare PHI`s excellenta HoloMonitor.
VD kan nöjt konstatera att ordet Revolution har startat.
Hoppas att PHI har möjlighet att använda detta genombrott i sin marknadsföring.Det slår det mesta då vi nu har bevis för HoloMonitors förträfflighet vid läkemedelsframställning.
Tar nån med direktacess till VD på sig att meddela denna glädjande nyhet? Förmodar att han annars mest fått syrliga reaktioner sett till aktiens utveckling,så en positivt levererad nyhet som denna kanske väger upp för det.
Mvh en euforisk the99
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